From 4785c782b7105d468fada492a2882a71bb855a37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daan Sprenkels <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 12:44:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add Ed25519 to results

 results.tex | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/results.tex b/results.tex
index 6ca44ca..f177f35 100644
--- a/results.tex
+++ b/results.tex
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ none of our implementations exceed the performance of Curve25519.
     caption = {Measured cycle counts
     of the variable-basepoint scalar-multiplication routines
-    on the {Sandy Bridge} (SB), {Ivy Bridge} (IB), {Haswell} (H) and {Cortex M4} (M4) architectures.},
+    on the {Sandy Bridge} (SB), {Ivy Bridge} (IB), {Haswell} (H) and {Cortex M4} (M4) architectures.
+    For completeness (by the request of our reviewers), we have included cycle
+    counts for Ed25519 signatures verification (which is the operation in Ed25519
+    that computes variable-basepoint scalar-multiplication).    
+    },
     label = tab:benchmarks
     \tnote[a]{As reported in the respective publication.}
@@ -28,6 +32,11 @@ none of our implementations exceed the performance of Curve25519.
     \tnote[c]{As reported in~\cite{FL15}.
     This publication expressed their benchmarks in \unit{kcc}.
     As such, this value has been padded with zeros.}
+    \tnote[d]{Cycle counts reported on Bernstein's eBACS website.
+    The Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell cycle counts were selected from the
+    tables for the \texttt{h6sandy}, \texttt{manny613} and \texttt{genji202} machines respectively.
+    It is unclear to the authors which implementations were used to construct
+    these cycle counts.}
     \textbf{Implementation} & \textbf{SB} & \textbf{IB} & \textbf{H} & \textbf{M4} \\
@@ -41,6 +50,10 @@ none of our implementations exceed the performance of Curve25519.
     Curve25519~(\cite{FA17}) & -- & -- & -- & $907\,240$\tmark[a]\\
     Curve25519~(\cite{HL19}) & -- & -- & -- & $626\,719$\tmark[a]\\
     Curve13318~(\textbf{this work}) & $389\,546$\tmark[b] & $382\,966$\tmark[b] & $204\,643$\tmark[b] & $1\,797\,451$\tmark[b] \\
+    Ed25519 verify & $221\,988$\tmark[d] & $206\,080$\tmark[d] & $184\,052$\tmark[d] & -- \\
+    % SB: SUPERCOP h6sandy
+    % IB: SUPERCOP manny613
+    % H: SUPERCOP genji202
     \hline \hline
     \textbf{slowdown} & $2.45\times$ & $2.44\times$ & $1.47\times$ & $2.87\times$
     % \textbf{slowdown} & $2.5\times$ & $2.4\times$ & $1.5\times$ & $2.9\times$