diff --git a/implementation.tex b/implementation.tex
index f87fc28efd87499812458f6b7e1653e6f9b6ccc4..e581a65694e211d697c92682f6b06ddeb6a473ec 100644
--- a/implementation.tex
+++ b/implementation.tex
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ These operations are---as well as the rest of the code---implemented in constant
 At the end of the double-and-add algorithm, 
 we end up with a representation of $R = [k]P$ in projective coordinates. 
 We compute the affine representation of $x_R$ and $y_R$ by computing the inverse of $Z_R$. 
-Like most implementations of Curve25519 scalar multiplciation, 
+Like most implementations of Curve25519 scalar multiplication, 
 we use Fermat's little theorem and raise $Z_R$ to the power $2^{255} - 21$ to obtain $Z_R^{-1}$. 
 We chose not to exploit the optimization described in~\cite{BY19}, 
 because the implementations we compare to have not had the opportunity to implement this technique; 
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ This substitutes $8\mathbf{a}$ for $4\mathbf{m}$ in \Add{}, and $10\mathbf{a}$ f
 Last, we found that shuffling the \texttt{ymm} registers turns out to be
 relatively weak and expensive.
-That is because Sandy Bridge has no arbitrary shuffle instruction,
-such as \texttt{vpermq}.
+That is because Sandy Bridge has no arbitrary shuffle instruction
+(like the \texttt{vpermq} instruction from AVX2).
 To shuffle every value in a \texttt{ymm} register into the correct lane,
 we would need at least two µops on port 5.
 Then it is cheaper to put all the values in the first lane, and
diff --git a/intro.tex b/intro.tex
index 62cac742b0e5adf3de4f2734ffbdfbda71dc4ab0..00a1901ba8a77fe41b3b641b98b07902464d7cbc 100644
--- a/intro.tex
+++ b/intro.tex
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ properties of the Secure Scuttlebutt Gossip protocol and Tendermint's secure han
 In 2015, Hamburg presented the ``Decaf'' technique~\cite{Ham17}, 
 which removes the cofactor of twisted Edwards curves through a clever encoding.
 He later refined the technique to ``Ristretto'' (see ~\cite{ristretto}), which is
-now proposed in the crypto form research group (CFRG) of IETF for standardization~\cite{VGT+19}.
+now proposed in the crypto forum research group (CFRG) of IETF for standardization~\cite{VGT+19}.
 The Decaf and Ristretto encodings come at some computational cost and also added
 complexity of the implementation, but it eliminates the burden 
 of handling the cofactor in protocol design.
diff --git a/prelim.tex b/prelim.tex
index ac4cf9db401093c89d368e24229bea9f93d66dab..25863c775b95d3a3fbe7253e2b49aaa99db6b07c 100644
--- a/prelim.tex
+++ b/prelim.tex
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Indeed, the Renes-Costello-Batina complete addition formulas have a specialized
 The second reason is that various cryptographic standards have adopted these kinds of curves~\cite{ETSI07,BSI12,FIPS186-4,Brainpool,SEC2}. Our results will apply to more commonly used curves if we mimic the standards.
 \subheading{Twist security.}
-In the case an implementor uses formulas that do not depend on any of the constants $a$ and $b$, they could choose to omit checking whether the input point lies on the curve. To prevent invalid curve attacks in this case, $E$'s twist ($E^d$) must also be of prime order. Then, the first valid value for $b$ is $13318$.
+In the case an implementor uses formulas that do not depend on any of the constants $a$ and $b$, they could choose to omit checking whether the input point lies on the curve. To prevent invalid-curve attacks in this case, $E$'s twist ($E^d$) must also be of prime order. Then, the first valid value for $b$ is $13318$.
 \subheading{Point validation.}\label{sec:pointvalidation}
 All scalar-multiplication algorithms on Curve13318---or any short
diff --git a/results.tex b/results.tex
index 1eea1cf46875e291352458131ce0933770ff8054..d79a2cd9a71a6a712589b2eb114f8d96e55e4d92 100644
--- a/results.tex
+++ b/results.tex
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ I.e.\ it is based on the formulas from Bosma and Lenstra~(\cite{BL95}),
 Their variable-basepoint scalar-multiplication runs in $278\unit{kcc}$
 on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture.
-Comparing that measurement with ours, suggests that the complete formulas add---%
+Comparing that measurement to ours, suggests that the complete formulas add---%
 relative to their incomplete formulas based on conditional masking---%
 an overhead of about $40\%$,
 which strongly affirms the overhead measured by Renes, Costello, and Batina.