From 97c860578822f84787754e8c5bb84d7d593f73c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nextcloud bot <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 01:23:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [tx-robot] updated from transifex

 l10n/zh_CN.js   | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 l10n/zh_CN.json | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+)

diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.js b/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 67a945485..8eaf649ca 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -21,13 +21,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Mail Address" : "邮箱",
     "Password" : "密码",
     "Manual" : "手册",
+    "IMAP Settings" : "IMAP设置",
     "IMAP Host" : "IMAP 主机",
+    "IMAP Security" : "IMAP安全",
     "None" : "æ— ",
+    "SSL/TLS" : "SSL/TLS",
     "IMAP Port" : "IMAP 端口",
     "IMAP User" : "IMAP 用户",
     "IMAP Password" : "IMAP 密码",
+    "SMTP Settings" : "SMTP设置",
     "SMTP Host" : "SMTP 主机",
+    "SMTP Security" : "SMTP安全",
     "SMTP Port" : "SMTP 端口",
     "SMTP User" : "SMTP 用户",
     "SMTP Password" : "SMTP 密码",
@@ -37,19 +42,34 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Keyboard shortcuts" : "键盘快捷方式",
     "from" : "发件人",
     "to" : "收件人",
+    "+ cc/bcc" : "+ cc/bcc",
     "cc" : "抄送",
     "bcc" : "密送",
     "Subject" : "主题",
+    "Note that the mail came from a noreply address so\tyour reply will probably not be read." : "此邮件来自一个无法回复的地址,您的回复将可能无法被阅读。",
+    "Message …" : "消息 …",
+    "Saving draft …" : "保存草稿 …",
+    "Draft saved" : "草稿已保存",
+    "Uploading attachments …" : "上传附件 …",
     "Sending …" : "正在发送…",
+    "Error sending your message" : "发送您的消息时出错",
     "Go back" : "后退",
     "Retry" : "重试",
     "Message sent!" : "消息已发送!",
+    "Reply sent!" : "回复已发送!",
+    "Write another message" : "写另一条消息",
     "Send" : "发送",
+    "Uploading …" : "上传 …",
     "Upload attachment" : "上传附件",
     "Add attachment from Files" : "从文件添加附件",
     "Choose a file to add as attachment" : "选择文件添加为附件",
     "No messages in this folder" : "该文件夹内没有消息",
+    "Draft: " : "草稿: ",
+    "Mark read" : "标记为已读",
+    "Mark unread" : "标记为未读",
     "Delete" : "删除",
+    "Report this bug" : "报告此问题",
+    "Loading messages" : "加载消息",
     "Not found" : "没有找到",
     "Could not load your message" : "无法加载您的消息",
     "Import into calendar" : "导入到日历",
@@ -57,7 +77,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Save to Files" : "保存到“文件”",
     "Choose a folder to store the attachment in" : "选择附件保存的文件夹",
     "Save all to Files" : "全部保存到文件",
+    "Choose a folder to store the attachments in" : "选择附件保存的目录",
     "The images have been blocked to protect your privacy." : "图片已被禁用,以保护您的隐私。",
+    "Show images from this\tsender" : "显示此发件人的图片",
+    "Could not load your draft" : "无法加载您的草稿",
     "New message" : "新建消息",
     "Settings" : "设置",
     "Speed up your Mail experience with these quick shortcuts." : "利用这些快捷方式使您的邮件使用过程更加迅捷",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.json b/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 96b62994f..9e672da67 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -19,13 +19,18 @@
     "Mail Address" : "邮箱",
     "Password" : "密码",
     "Manual" : "手册",
+    "IMAP Settings" : "IMAP设置",
     "IMAP Host" : "IMAP 主机",
+    "IMAP Security" : "IMAP安全",
     "None" : "æ— ",
+    "SSL/TLS" : "SSL/TLS",
     "IMAP Port" : "IMAP 端口",
     "IMAP User" : "IMAP 用户",
     "IMAP Password" : "IMAP 密码",
+    "SMTP Settings" : "SMTP设置",
     "SMTP Host" : "SMTP 主机",
+    "SMTP Security" : "SMTP安全",
     "SMTP Port" : "SMTP 端口",
     "SMTP User" : "SMTP 用户",
     "SMTP Password" : "SMTP 密码",
@@ -35,19 +40,34 @@
     "Keyboard shortcuts" : "键盘快捷方式",
     "from" : "发件人",
     "to" : "收件人",
+    "+ cc/bcc" : "+ cc/bcc",
     "cc" : "抄送",
     "bcc" : "密送",
     "Subject" : "主题",
+    "Note that the mail came from a noreply address so\tyour reply will probably not be read." : "此邮件来自一个无法回复的地址,您的回复将可能无法被阅读。",
+    "Message …" : "消息 …",
+    "Saving draft …" : "保存草稿 …",
+    "Draft saved" : "草稿已保存",
+    "Uploading attachments …" : "上传附件 …",
     "Sending …" : "正在发送…",
+    "Error sending your message" : "发送您的消息时出错",
     "Go back" : "后退",
     "Retry" : "重试",
     "Message sent!" : "消息已发送!",
+    "Reply sent!" : "回复已发送!",
+    "Write another message" : "写另一条消息",
     "Send" : "发送",
+    "Uploading …" : "上传 …",
     "Upload attachment" : "上传附件",
     "Add attachment from Files" : "从文件添加附件",
     "Choose a file to add as attachment" : "选择文件添加为附件",
     "No messages in this folder" : "该文件夹内没有消息",
+    "Draft: " : "草稿: ",
+    "Mark read" : "标记为已读",
+    "Mark unread" : "标记为未读",
     "Delete" : "删除",
+    "Report this bug" : "报告此问题",
+    "Loading messages" : "加载消息",
     "Not found" : "没有找到",
     "Could not load your message" : "无法加载您的消息",
     "Import into calendar" : "导入到日历",
@@ -55,7 +75,10 @@
     "Save to Files" : "保存到“文件”",
     "Choose a folder to store the attachment in" : "选择附件保存的文件夹",
     "Save all to Files" : "全部保存到文件",
+    "Choose a folder to store the attachments in" : "选择附件保存的目录",
     "The images have been blocked to protect your privacy." : "图片已被禁用,以保护您的隐私。",
+    "Show images from this\tsender" : "显示此发件人的图片",
+    "Could not load your draft" : "无法加载您的草稿",
     "New message" : "新建消息",
     "Settings" : "设置",
     "Speed up your Mail experience with these quick shortcuts." : "利用这些快捷方式使您的邮件使用过程更加迅捷",