# Nextcloud Mail Admin Documentation [TOC] ## Installation In your Nextcloud, simply navigate to »Apps«, choose the category »Social & Communication«, find the Mail app and enable it. Then open the Mail app from the app menu. Put in your mail account credentials and off you go! ## Configuration Certain advanced or experimental features need to be specifically enabled in your `config.php`: ### Timeouts Depending on your mail host, it may be necessary to increase your IMAP and/or SMTP timeout threshold. Currently IMAP defaults to 20 seconds and SMTP defaults to 2 seconds. They can be changed as follows: #### IMAP timeout ```php 'app.mail.imap.timeout' => 20 ``` #### SMTP timeout ```php 'app.mail.smtp.timeout' => 2 ``` ### Use php-mail for sending mail You can use the php-mail function to send mails. This is needed for some webhosters (1&1 (1und1)): ```php 'app.mail.transport' => 'php-mail' ``` ## Troubleshooting ### Gmail If you can not access your Gmail account use https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha to unlock your account. ### Outlook.com If you can not access your Outlook.com account try to enable the 'Two-Factor Verification' (https://account.live.com/proofs/Manage) and set up an app password (https://account.live.com/proofs/AppPassword), which you then use for the Nextcloud Mail app. ### Dovecot IMAP If your Dovecot IMAP server prefixes all folders with `INBOX`, Nextcloud Mail does not work correctly. Check `/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf`: ``` namespace inbox { separator = . # All folders prefixed # prefix = INBOX. prefix = inbox = yes type = private } ```