diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..248aedc483a85c032a5aacb5fd62e06577c9266f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+BasedOnStyle: LLVM
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: true
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true
+ColumnLimit: 100
+IndentWidth: 4
+TabWidth: 4
+PointerAlignment: Middle
+UseTab: ForIndentation
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index b953c7cb3fd83d218301edfabb913106d0cda528..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "contrib/docopt.cpp"]
-	path = contrib/docopt.cpp
-	url = https://github.com/Jaxan/docopt.cpp.git
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0827d7613ac7f1e4376e43f34c7aa44ffe01d00e..c5a4c6441f1ceb9ed8c27bee3d305e7da4037e0f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
 set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++1y")
+find_package (Threads)
 find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS)
 include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-include_directories(SYSTEM "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/docopt.cpp")
-set(libs ${libs} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} docopt_s)
+set(libs ${libs} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 942d3c5bc7f10b3f8314e43e8cdc242b035f663b..1b2a79ff5d70b76ed6616e205ab1c4de5fde5260 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,34 +1,53 @@
-An algorithm to construct an adaptive distinguishing sequence for a mealy
-machine. If it does not exist, a partial sequence will be generated, which is
-still useful for generating a seperating set (in the sense of Lee and
-Yannakakis). The partial leaves will be augmented via ordinary seperating
-sequences. In effect, the resulting test method is an instantiation of the HSI-
-method, which tends towards the DS-method.
+Hybrid adaptive distinguishing sequences
+In FSM-based test generation, a key feature of smart tests are efficient state
+identifiers. This tool generates a test suite based on the adaptive
+distinguishing sequences as described by Lee and Yannakakis (1994). Many Mealy
+machines do not admit such sequences, but luckily the sequences can be extended
+in order to obtain a complete test suite.
+*NOTE*: This repository was originally located at
+But I realised that installing the software was not as easy as it should be,
+and so I cleaned up dependencies, while keeping the original repository fixed.
+(Also some people might still use the old link.)
+## Introduction
+This tool will generate a complete test suite for a given specification. The
+specification should be given as a completely-specified, deterministic Mealy
+machine (or finite state machine, FSM). Also the implementation is assumed to
+be complete and deterministic. If the implementation passes the test suite,
+then it is guaranteed to be equivalent or to have at least k more states.
+The parameter k can be chosen. The size of the test suite is polynomial in the
+number of states of the specification, but exponential in k.
+There are many ways to generate such a complete test suite. Many variations,
+W, Wp, HSI, ADS, UIOv, ..., exist in literature. Implemented here (as of
+writing) are HSI, ADS and the hybrid-ADS method. Since the ADS method is not
+valid for all Mealy machines, this tool extends the method to be complete,
+hence the name "hybrid-ADS". This is a new method (although very similar to the
+HSI and ADS methods).
+In addition to choosing the state identifier, one can also choose how the
+prefixes for the tests are generated. Typically, one will use shortest paths,
+but longer ones can be used too.
+All algorithms implemented here can be randomised, which can greatly reduce
+the size of the test suite. 
 Most of the algorithms are found in the directory `lib/` and their usage is best
-illustrated in `src/main.cpp` or `src/methods.cpp`.
-Currently states and inputs are encoded internally as integer values (because
-this enables fast indexing). Only for I/O, maps are used to translate between
-integers and strings. To reduce the memory footprint `uint16_t`s are used, as
-the range is big enough for our use cases (`uint8_t` is clearly too small for
-the number of states, but could be used for alphabets).
+illustrated in `src/main.cpp`. The latter can be used as a stand-alone tool.
+The input to the executable are `.dot` files (of a specific type). Please look
+at the provided example to get started.
 ## Building
-There are two dependencies: docopt.cpp (for handling program options) and boost
-(for an optional type and string manipulations). The first dependency is a git
-submodule and can be obtained with:
-git submodule update --init
-Assuming boost is installed on your system, we can build the tool with cmake:
+Currently there is still one dependency: Boost. Assuming boost is installed on
+your system, we can build the tool with cmake:
 mkdir build
@@ -37,26 +56,9 @@ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
-Note that you'll need c++14, but clang in Mac
-OSX will understand that (and if not, you'll have to update Xcode). The main
-sourcefile (`src/main.cpp`) can also be built with c++11 (this is tested on some
-commits on both Windows and linux).
-### Notes for linux
-There seems to be a problem with docopt.cpp with gcc-4.9 as well... (Everything
-compiles, but the program options are not parsed well.) If you want to build
-with `clang` on linux, you should also use `libc++`. Try the following:
-sudo apt-get install libc++-dev
-mkdir build
-cd build
-CXX=clang++ CC=clang CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++ LDFLAGS=-pthread cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
+I hope most of the code is portable c++11. But I may have used some c++14
+features. (If this is a problem for you, please let me know.)
 ## Java
@@ -65,6 +67,29 @@ tool, is included here (can be out-dated). But it should earn its own repo at
 some point. Also, my javanese is a bit rusty...
+## Implementation details
+Currently states and inputs are encoded internally as integer values (because
+this enables fast indexing). Only for I/O, maps are used to translate between
+integers and strings. To reduce the memory footprint `uint16_t`s are used, as
+the range is big enough for our use cases (`uint8_t` is clearly too small for
+the number of states, but could be used for alphabets).
+A prefix tree (or trie) is used to reduce the test suite, by removing common
+prefixes. However, this can quickly grow in size. Be warned!
+## TODO
+* Implement a proper radix tree (or Patricia tree) to reduce memory usage.
+* Remove the dependency on boost.
+* Implement the SPY method for finding smarter prefixes.
+* Compute independent structures in parallel (this was done in the first
+  version of the tool).
+* Implement the O(n log n) algorithm to find state identifiers, instead of the
+  current (roughly) O(n^2) algorithm.
 ## License
diff --git a/contrib/docopt.cpp b/contrib/docopt.cpp
deleted file mode 160000
index 6c0c8e756487b4ac486306b906e9701e9d256bed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/contrib/docopt.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 6c0c8e756487b4ac486306b906e9701e9d256bed
diff --git a/examples/lee_yannakakis_distinguishable.dot b/examples/lee_yannakakis_distinguishable.dot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ccae49cab8dbe20035546b054088e7898ed460c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lee_yannakakis_distinguishable.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+digraph distinguishable {
+    s1 -> s2 [label="a / 0"];
+    s2 -> s3 [label="a / 1"];
+    s3 -> s4 [label="a / 0"];
+    s4 -> s5 [label="a / 1"];
+    s5 -> s6 [label="a / 0"];
+    s6 -> s1 [label="a / 1"];
+    s1 -> s1 [label="b / 0"];
+    s2 -> s3 [label="b / 0"];
+    s3 -> s4 [label="b / 0"];
+    s4 -> s5 [label="b / 0"];
+    s5 -> s6 [label="b / 0"];
+    s6 -> s1 [label="b / 0"];
diff --git a/lib/test_suite.cpp b/lib/test_suite.cpp
index b1cc87d063f3081ac9007a3808666f1375bdccea..148901549b4c639fca750c5684a6ee440552731e 100644
--- a/lib/test_suite.cpp
+++ b/lib/test_suite.cpp
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ void randomized_test_suffix(const mealy & specification, const transfer_sequence
-writer default_writer(std::vector<std::string> const & inputs) {
+writer default_writer(std::vector<std::string> const & inputs, std::ostream & os) {
 	static const auto print_word = [&](word w) {
-		for (auto && x : w) cout << inputs[x] << ' ';
+		for (auto && x : w) os << inputs[x] << ' ';
 	static const auto reset = [&] {
-		cout << endl;
-		return bool(cout);
+		os << endl;
+		return bool(os);
 	return {print_word, reset};
diff --git a/lib/test_suite.hpp b/lib/test_suite.hpp
index 768d4c63f96030341c9bc6b582e7300d1ca781c4..23ddda03b2a1177a5479cfaaf6004bf1b1cd0304 100644
--- a/lib/test_suite.hpp
+++ b/lib/test_suite.hpp
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ void randomized_test_suffix(mealy const & specification, transfer_sequences cons
                             size_t rnd_length, writer const & output, uint_fast32_t random_seed);
 /// \brief returns a writer which simply writes everything to cout (via inputs)
-writer default_writer(const std::vector<std::string> & inputs);
+writer default_writer(const std::vector<std::string> & inputs, std::ostream & os);
diff --git a/src/complete.cpp b/src/complete.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b483c2775b1b5a91b95311e50fe1ae8d3ae90590..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/complete.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include <adaptive_distinguishing_sequence.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <separating_family.hpp>
-#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
-#include <test_suite.hpp>
-#include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
-#include <trie.hpp>
-#include <docopt.h>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <random>
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-static const char USAGE[] =
-    R"(FSM-completer (only dot), also renames the state names
-    Usage:
-      methods [options] <file>
-    Options:
-      -h, --help               Show current help
-      --version                Show version
-      --sink                   Completion with sink
-      --loop                   Completion with self loops (default)
-      --output <out>           Output for new transitions (leave empty for fresh output)
-void write_mealy_to_dot(const mealy & m, const translation & translation, std::ostream & out) {
-	const auto inputs = create_reverse_map(translation.input_indices);
-	const auto output = create_reverse_map(translation.output_indices);
-	out << "digraph {\n";
-	for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
-		for (input i = 0; i < m.input_size; ++i) {
-			if (!defined(m, s, i)) continue;
-			const auto ret = apply(m, s, i);
-			out << s << " -> " << ret.to << " [label=\"" << inputs[i] << " / " << output[ret.out]
-			    << "\"]\n";
-		}
-	}
-	out << "}\n";
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
-	const string filename = args.at("<file>").asString();
-	auto mt = read_mealy_from_dot(filename, false);
-	auto & machine = mt.first;
-	auto & translation = mt.second;
-	if (!is_complete(machine)) {
-		const auto out = [&]() -> output {
-			if (args.at("--output")) {
-				const string out_str = args.at("--output").asString();
-				if (translation.output_indices.count(out_str)) {
-					// reuse old output
-					return translation.output_indices[out_str];
-				}
-			}
-			// else: grab a new one
-			string newo = "SILENT";
-			while(translation.output_indices.count(newo)) newo += '0';
-			return translation.output_indices[newo] = machine.output_size++;
-		}();
-		if (args.at("--sink").asBool()) {
-			// add sink
-			const auto new_state = machine.graph_size++;
-			machine.graph.resize(machine.graph_size);
-			for (state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s) {
-				machine.graph[s].resize(machine.input_size);
-				for (input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i) {
-					if (defined(machine, s, i)) continue;
-					machine.graph[s][i] = mealy::edge(new_state, out);
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			// add self loops
-			for (state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s) {
-				machine.graph[s].resize(machine.input_size);
-				for (input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i) {
-					if (defined(machine, s, i)) continue;
-					machine.graph[s][i] = mealy::edge(s, out);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	write_mealy_to_dot(machine, translation, cout);
diff --git a/src/distance.cpp b/src/distance.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1faccf391abda1d9a1ba56ffed9b2045f7e93892..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/distance.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#include <mealy.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <queue>
-#include <set>
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	if (argc != 4) {
-		cerr << "usage: distance <file1> <file2> <log>" << endl;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	translation t;
-	const auto m1 = read_mealy_from_dot(argv[1], t);
-	const auto m2 = read_mealy_from_dot(argv[2], t);
-	if (m1.input_size != m2.input_size) throw runtime_error("different alphabets!");
-	const auto log = [&] {
-		vector<word> log_;
-		string line;
-		ifstream log_file(argv[3]);
-		while (std::getline(log_file, line)) {
-			log_.emplace_back();
-			word & w = log_.back();
-			stringstream ss(line);
-			string symbol;
-			while (ss >> symbol) {
-				w.push_back(t.input_indices.at(symbol));
-			}
-		}
-		return log_;
-	}();
-	// can be vector of bool, but meh
-	set<pair<state, state>> visited;
-	queue<pair<state, state>> work;
-	size_t current_length_work = 0;
-	size_t next_length_work = 0;
-	size_t current_length = 0;
-	size_t current_counterexamples = 0;
-	const auto push = [&](auto s1, auto s2) {
-		next_length_work++;
-		work.push({s1, s2});
-	};
-	const auto pop = [&]() {
-		const auto p = work.front();
-		work.pop();
-		current_length_work--;
-		return p;
-	};
-	const auto check_length = [&]() {
-		if (current_length_work == 0) {
-			if (current_counterexamples != 0) {
-				cout << "(-" << current_length << ", " << current_counterexamples << ")" << endl;
-				exit(0);
-			}
-			current_length_work = next_length_work;
-			current_length++;
-		}
-	};
-	push(0, 0);
-	for(auto const & l : log){
-		state s1 = 0;
-		state s2 = 0;
-		for(auto const & i : l){
-			s1 = apply(m1, s1, i).to;
-			s2 = apply(m2, s2, i).to;
-			push(s1, s2);
-		}
-	}
-	while (!work.empty()) {
-		check_length();
-		const auto p = pop();
-		const auto s1 = p.first;
-		const auto s2 = p.second;
-		if (visited.count(p)) continue;
-		visited.insert(p);
-		for (input i = 0; i < m1.input_size; ++i) {
-			auto q1 = apply(m1, s1, i);
-			auto q2 = apply(m2, s2, i);
-			if (q1.out != q2.out) {
-				current_counterexamples++;
-			}
-			auto new_p = make_pair(q1.to, q2.to);
-			if (visited.count(new_p)) continue;
-			push(q1.to, q2.to);
-		}
-	}
-	cout << "distance = 0" << endl;
diff --git a/src/generator.cpp b/src/generator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f7ec291c755b95768e36416974828d7c1c8e6c7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/generator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#include <mealy.hpp>
-#include <reachability.hpp>
-#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
-#include <docopt.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <random>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-static const char USAGE[] =
-R"(Random Mealy machine generator
-    Usage:
-      generator random [options] <states> <inputs> <outputs> <machines> [<seed>]
-      generator hopcroft a <states>
-      generator hopcroft b <states>
-    Options:
-      -h, --help                    Show this screen
-      --version                     Show version
-      -m, --minimal                 Only generate minimal machines
-      -c, --connected               Only generate reachable machines
-      --output-cluster <factor>     How clustered should the outputs be
-      --state-cluster <factor>      And what about states
-      --single-output-boost <fctr>  Boost for a single output (e.g. quiescence)
-      --permute-alphabets <n>       Makes n copies with permuted input/output
-static size_t number_of_leaves(splitting_tree const & root) {
-	if (root.children.empty()) return 1;
-	return accumulate(root.children.begin(), root.children.end(), 0ul,
-	                  [](auto const & l, auto const & r) { return l + number_of_leaves(r); });
-struct random_options {
-	double output_spread = 0;
-	double state_spread = 0;
-	double single_output_boost = 1;
-static mealy permute_alphabets(mealy const & m){
-	mt19937 gen(random_device{}());
-	const auto create_permutation = [&gen](size_t n){
-		vector<size_t> p(n);
-		iota(p.begin(), p.end(), 0);
-		shuffle(p.begin(), p.end(), gen);
-		return p;
-	};
-	const auto ip = create_permutation(m.input_size);
-	const auto op = create_permutation(m.output_size);
-	mealy ret = m;
-	for(state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s){
-		for(input i = 0; i < m.input_size; ++i) {
-			ret.graph[s][i] = m.graph[s][ip[i]];
-			ret.graph[s][i].out = op[ret.graph[s][i].out];
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-static mealy generate_random_machine(size_t N, size_t P, size_t Q, random_options opts, mt19937 & gen) {
-	mealy m;
-	m.graph_size = N;
-	m.input_size = P;
-	m.output_size = Q;
-	m.graph.assign(m.graph_size, vector<mealy::edge>(m.input_size));
-	auto o_dist = [&] {
-		const auto factor = opts.output_spread;
-		vector<double> probs(m.output_size);
-		for (output o = 0; o < m.output_size; ++o)
-			probs[o] = exp(factor * o / double(m.output_size - 1));
-		probs[0] *= opts.single_output_boost;
-		discrete_distribution<output> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end());
-		return dist;
-	}();
-	auto s_dist = [&] {
-		const auto factor = opts.state_spread;
-		vector<double> probs(m.graph_size);
-		for (output o = 0; o < m.graph_size; ++o)
-			probs[o] = exp(factor * o / double(m.graph_size - 1));
-		discrete_distribution<state> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end());
-		return dist;
-	}();
-	vector<state> states(m.graph_size);
-	iota(states.begin(), states.end(), 0);
-	for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
-		shuffle(states.begin(), states.end(), gen);
-		for (input i = 0; i < m.input_size; ++i) {
-			m.graph[s][i] = {states[s_dist(gen)], o_dist(gen)};
-		}
-	}
-	return m;
-static void print_machine(string const & prefix, mealy const & m, size_t count) {
-	ofstream file(prefix + "_" + to_string(m.graph_size) + "_" + to_string(m.input_size) + "_"
-	              + to_string(m.output_size) + "_" + to_string(count) + ".txt");
-	for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
-		for (input i = 0; i < m.input_size; ++i) {
-			auto e = m.graph[s][i];
-			file << s << " -- " << i << " / " << e.out << " -> " << e.to << endl;
-		}
-	}
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
-	if (args.at("random").asBool()) {
-		random_options opts;
-		if (args.at("--output-cluster"))
-			opts.output_spread = -boost::lexical_cast<double>(args.at("--output-cluster").asString());
-		if (args.at("--state-cluster"))
-			opts.state_spread = -boost::lexical_cast<double>(args.at("--state-cluster").asString());
-		if (args.at("--single-output-boost"))
-			opts.single_output_boost = boost::lexical_cast<double>(args.at("--single-output-boost").asString());
-		auto gen = [&] {
-			if (args.at("<seed>")) {
-				auto seed = args.at("<seed>").asLong();
-				return mt19937(seed);
-			}
-			random_device rd;
-			return mt19937(rd());
-		}();
-		size_t number_of_machines = args.at("<machines>").asLong();
-		size_t constructed = 0;
-		while (constructed < number_of_machines) {
-			auto const m = generate_random_machine(args.at("<states>").asLong(),
-			                                       args.at("<inputs>").asLong(),
-			                                       args.at("<outputs>").asLong(), opts, gen);
-			if (args.at("--connected").asBool()) {
-				auto const m2 = reachable_submachine(m, 0);
-				if (m2.graph_size != m.graph_size) continue;
-			}
-			if (args.at("--minimal").asBool()) {
-				auto const tree = create_splitting_tree(m, min_hopcroft_style, 0).root;
-				if (number_of_leaves(tree) != m.graph_size) continue;
-			}
-			if (args.at("--permute-alphabets")) {
-				auto permuted_copies = args.at("--permute-alphabets").asLong();
-				while (permuted_copies--) {
-					constructed++;
-					auto copy = permute_alphabets(m);
-					print_machine("machine", copy, constructed);
-				}
-			} else {
-				constructed++;
-				print_machine("machine", m, constructed);
-			}
-		}
-	} else if (args.at("hopcroft").asBool() && args.at("a").asBool()) {
-		mealy m;
-		m.graph_size = args.at("<states>").asLong();
-		m.input_size = m.output_size = 2;
-		m.graph.assign(m.graph_size, vector<mealy::edge>(m.input_size));
-		for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
-			m.graph[s][0] = mealy::edge(s + 1, 0);
-			m.graph[s][1] = mealy::edge(s, 0);
-		}
-		// "accepting state"
-		m.graph[m.graph_size - 1][0] = mealy::edge(m.graph_size - 1, 1);
-		m.graph[m.graph_size - 1][1] = mealy::edge(m.graph_size - 1, 1);
-		print_machine("hopcroft_a", m, 1);
-	} else if (args.at("hopcroft").asBool() && args.at("b").asBool()) {
-		// In the original paper, the machine is not well defined...
-		// So I don't know what Hopcroft had in mind exactly...
-		mealy m;
-		auto n = m.graph_size = args.at("<states>").asLong();
-		m.input_size = m.output_size = 2;
-		m.graph.assign(m.graph_size, vector<mealy::edge>(m.input_size));
-		for (state s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
-			m.graph[s][0] = mealy::edge(s ? s - 1 : 0, s < n / 2 ? 0 : 1);
-			if (s < n / 2) {
-				m.graph[s][1] = mealy::edge(2 * s + 1, 0);
-			} else {
-				m.graph[s][1] = mealy::edge(s + (n - s) / 2, 0);
-			}
-		}
-		print_machine("hopcroft_b", m, 1);
-	}
diff --git a/src/learning_graph.cpp b/src/learning_graph.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3893089d8395a26901d7d015bafcbae6baf68c0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/learning_graph.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#include <docopt.h>
-#include <boost/range/algorithm/sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/range/algorithm/unique.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-static const char USAGE[] =
-    R"(Generate a statistical learning graph from multiple runs
-    Usage:
-      learning_graph [options] <file> ...
-    Options:
-      --testing_only   Only count the figures for testing
-      --learning_only  Only count the figures for learning
-      --accumulate     Accumulates the data
-      -h, --help       Show this screen
-      --version        Show version
-struct datapoint {
-	uint64_t states;
-	uint64_t learning_queries;
-	uint64_t learning_inputs;
-	uint64_t testing_queries;
-	uint64_t testing_inputs;
-using dataset = vector<datapoint>;
-static void accumulate_dataset(dataset & ds) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ds.size() - 1; ++i) {
-		ds[i + 1].learning_queries += ds[i].learning_queries;
-		ds[i + 1].learning_inputs += ds[i].learning_inputs;
-		ds[i + 1].testing_queries += ds[i].testing_queries;
-		ds[i + 1].testing_inputs += ds[i].testing_inputs;
-	}
-template <typename C, typename S>
-void print_quantiles(C const & container, S && selector, ostream & out) {
-	const auto index_weight = [&](double p) -> pair<size_t, double> {
-		auto index = (p * (container.size() - 1));
-		return {floor(index), 1 - fmod(index, 1)};
-	};
-	auto sorted_container = container;
-	sort(sorted_container.begin(), sorted_container.end(),
-	     [&](auto const & l, auto const & r) { return selector(l) < selector(r); });
-	out << selector(sorted_container.front()) << '\t';
-	const auto i25 = index_weight(0.25);
-	out << i25.second * selector(sorted_container[i25.first])
-	           + (1 - i25.second) * selector(sorted_container[i25.first + 1])
-	    << '\t';
-	const auto i50 = index_weight(0.50);
-	out << i50.second * selector(sorted_container[i50.first])
-	           + (1 - i50.second) * selector(sorted_container[i50.first + 1])
-	    << '\t';
-	const auto i75 = index_weight(0.75);
-	out << i75.second * selector(sorted_container[i75.first])
-	           + (1 - i75.second) * selector(sorted_container[i75.first + 1])
-	    << '\t';
-	out << selector(sorted_container.back());
-auto all(datapoint const & p) {
-	return p.learning_queries + p.learning_inputs + p.testing_queries + p.testing_inputs;
-auto testing(datapoint const & p) {
-	return p.testing_queries + p.testing_inputs;
-auto learning(datapoint const & p) {
-	return p.learning_queries + p.learning_inputs;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
-	const auto field = args.at("--testing_only").asBool() ? &testing : args.at("--learning_only").asBool() ? &learning : &all;
-	vector<future<dataset>> dataset_futures;
-	for (auto const & filename : args.at("<file>").asStringList()) {
-		dataset_futures.emplace_back(async([filename, &args] {
-			fstream file(filename);
-			if (!file) throw runtime_error("Could not open file " + filename);
-			dataset s;
-			datapoint p;
-			while (file >> p.states >> p.learning_queries >> p.learning_inputs >> p.testing_queries
-			       >> p.testing_inputs) {
-				s.push_back(p);
-			}
-			if (args.at("--accumulate").asBool())
-				accumulate_dataset(s);
-			return s;
-		}));
-	}
-	vector<dataset> datasets;
-	clog << "datasets";
-	for (auto & f : dataset_futures) {
-		datasets.emplace_back(f.get());
-		clog << ' ' << datasets.back().size();
-		if (datasets.back().size() == 0) throw runtime_error("empty dataset");
-	}
-	clog << endl;
-	vector<size_t> state_values;
-	state_values.reserve(datasets[0].size());
-	// lazy way of doing things
-	for (auto && ds : datasets)
-		for (auto && x : ds) state_values.push_back(x.states);
-	sort(state_values.begin(), state_values.end());
-	state_values.erase(unique(state_values.begin(), state_values.end()), state_values.end());
-	// id(state_value) -> [total query size]
-	vector<vector<double>> data;
-	data.reserve(state_values.size());
-	// we keep track of the current timestamp for the different datasets
-	struct it_pair {
-		dataset::const_iterator current, next, end;
-	};
-	vector<it_pair> iterators(datasets.size());
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < datasets.size(); ++i)
-		iterators[i] = {datasets[i].begin(), datasets[i].begin(), datasets[i].end()};
-	for (auto const & state : state_values) {
-		data.push_back({});
-		for (auto & it : iterators) {
-			while (it.next != it.end && it.next->states < state) {
-				it.current = it.next;
-				it.next++;
-			}
-			// one run stopped prior to the others, we can skip it
-			if (it.next == it.end) continue;
-			// one run started earlier, we can skip it
-			if (it.current->states > state) continue;
-			// if we're spot on, update current
-			if (it.next->states == state) it.current = it.next;
-			const auto v2 = field(*it.next);
-			const auto v1 = field(*it.current);
-			const auto ratio
-			    = it.next->states == state
-			          ? 1.0
-			          : (state - it.current->states) / double(it.next->states - it.current->states);
-			const auto v = ratio * v2 + (1.0 - ratio) * v1;
-			data.back().push_back(v);
-		}
-	}
-	for (auto & v : data) {
-		sort(v.begin(), v.end());
-	}
-	cout << "s\tmin\tQ1\t\tQ2\tQ3\tmax" << endl;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < state_values.size(); ++i) {
-		auto v = data[i];
-		if (v.empty()) continue;
-		cout << state_values[i] << '\t';
-		print_quantiles(v, [](auto const & x) { return x; }, cout);
-		cout << endl;
-	}
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index e1238eecbfe15d0e42ecb76d1588660e1085a565..edbbd059003c7c44d7abda300f5265e487b8ae2b 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -7,70 +7,167 @@
 #include <splitting_tree.hpp>
 #include <test_suite.hpp>
 #include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
-#include <docopt.h>
+#include <trie.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <future>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <numeric>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
 #include <random>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+ * The reason I use getopt, instead of some library (I've used
+ * docopts and boost in the past), is that I want no dependencies.
+ * I've installed this software several times, and it was never
+ * easy because of its dependencies.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
 static const char USAGE[] =
-R"(Generate a test suite. Use '=' as filename for stdin.
+    R"(Generate or stream a test suite for a given FSM.
-      main [options] <filename> (all|fixed|random) <max k> <rnd length>
+      main [options]
-      -h, --help       Show this screen
-      --version        Show version
-      --seed <seed>    32 bits seeds for deterministic execution
-      --no-ds          Only use the classical algorithm (hsi)
-      --random-ds      Choose randomly between the ds method or hsi method
-      --no-suffix      Dont calculate anything smart, just do the random stuff
-      --suffix-based   Only applies in random mode. Chooses suffix first, and not prefix first
-      --prefix <type>  Chooses the kind of prefix: canonical, minimal, buggy, longest
+      -h             Show this screen
+      -v             Show version
+      -m <arg>       Operation mode: all, fixed, random
+      -p <arg>       How to generate prefixes: minimal, lexmin, buggy, longest
+      -s <arg>       How to generate suffixes: hsi, hads, none
+      -k <num>       Number of extra states to check for (minus 1)
+      -r <num>       Expected length of random infix word
+      -x <seed>      32 bits seeds for deterministic execution (0 is not valid)
+      -f <filename>  Input filename ('-' or don't specify for stdin)
+      -o <filename>  Output filename ('-' or don't specify for stdout)
-using time_logger = silent_timer;
+enum Mode { ALL, FIXED, RANDOM };
+enum PrefixMode { MIN, LEXMIN, BUGGY, DFS };
+enum SuffixMode { HSI, HADS, NOSUFFIX };
+struct main_options {
+	bool help = false;
+	bool version = false;
+	Mode mode = ALL;
+	PrefixMode prefix_mode = MIN;
+	SuffixMode suffix_mode = HADS;
+	unsigned long k_max = 3;      // 3 means 2 extra states
+	unsigned long rnd_length = 8; // in addition to k_max
+	unsigned long seed = 0;       // 0 for unset/noise
+	string input_filename;  // empty for stdin
+	string output_filename; // empty for stdout
+main_options parse_options(int argc, char ** argv) {
+	main_options opts;
+	static const map<string, Mode> mode_names = {
+	    {"all", ALL}, {"fixed", FIXED}, {"random", RANDOM}};
+	static const map<string, PrefixMode> prefix_names = {
+	    {"minimal", MIN}, {"lexmin", LEXMIN}, {"buggy", BUGGY}, {"longest", DFS}};
+	static const map<string, SuffixMode> suffix_names = {
+	    {"hsi", HSI}, {"hads", HADS}, {"none", NOSUFFIX}};
+	try {
+		int c;
+		while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvm:p:s:k:r:x:f:o:")) != -1) {
+			switch (c) {
+			case 'h': // show help message
+				opts.help = true;
+				break;
+			case 'v': // show version
+				opts.version = true;
+				break;
+			case 'm': // select operation mode
+				opts.mode = mode_names.at(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'p': // select prefix mode
+				opts.prefix_mode = prefix_names.at(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 's': // select suffix mode
+				opts.suffix_mode = suffix_names.at(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'k': // select extra states / k-value
+				opts.k_max = stoul(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'r': // expected random length
+				opts.rnd_length = stoul(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'x': // seed
+				opts.seed = stoul(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'f': // input filename
+				opts.input_filename = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'o': // output filename
+				opts.output_filename = optarg;
+				break;
+			case ':': // some option without argument
+				throw runtime_error(string("No argument given to option -") + char(optopt));
+			case '?': // all unrecognised things
+				throw runtime_error(string("Unrecognised option -") + char(optopt));
+			}
+		}
+	} catch (exception & e) {
+		cerr << e.what() << endl;
+		cerr << "Could not parse command line options." << endl;
+		cerr << "Please use -h to see the available options." << endl;
+		exit(2);
+	}
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, "25 Nov 11:50");
+	return opts;
-	const string filename = args.at("<filename>").asString();
-	const bool use_stdio = filename == "=";
+using time_logger = silent_timer;
-	const auto k_max = args.at("<max k>").asLong();
-	const auto rnd_length = args.at("<rnd length>").asLong();
+int main(int argc, char * argv[]) try {
+	/*
+	 * First we parse the command line options.
+	 * We quit when asked for help or version
+	 */
+	const auto args = parse_options(argc, argv);
-	const bool streaming = args.at("all").asBool() || args.at("fixed").asBool();
-	const bool random_part = args.at("all").asBool() || args.at("random").asBool();
-	const bool no_suffix = args.at("--no-suffix").asBool();
-	const bool suffix_based = args.at("--suffix-based").asBool();
+	if (args.help) {
+		cout << USAGE << endl;
+		exit(0);
+	}
-	const bool seed_provided = bool(args.at("--seed"));
-	const uint_fast32_t seed = seed_provided ? args.at("--seed").asLong() : 0;
+	if (args.version) {
+		cout << "Version 2 (July 2017)" << endl;
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	const bool no_suffix = args.suffix_mode == NOSUFFIX;
+	const bool use_distinguishing_sequence = args.suffix_mode == HADS;
-	const bool use_distinguishing_sequence = [&]{
-		if(args.at("--random-ds").asBool()) {
-			random_device rd;
-			return rd() - rd.min() < (rd.max() - rd.min()) / 2;
-		}
-		return !args.at("--no-ds").asBool();
-	}();
-	const string prefix_type = args.at("--prefix") ? args.at("--prefix").asString() : "minimal";
 	const bool randomize_hopcroft = true;
 	const bool randomize_lee_yannakakis = true;
-	const auto machine_and_translation = [&]{
+	if (args.output_filename != "" && args.output_filename != "-") {
+		throw runtime_error("File ouput is currently not supported");
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Then all the setup is done. Parsing the automaton,
+	 * construction all types of sequences needed for the
+	 * test suite.
+	 */
+	const auto machine_and_translation = [&] {
+		const auto & filename = args.input_filename;
 		time_logger t_("reading file " + filename);
-		if(use_stdio){
+		if (filename == "" || filename == "-") {
 			return read_mealy_from_dot(cin);
-		if(filename.find(".txt") != string::npos) {
+		if (filename.find(".txt") != string::npos) {
 			const auto m = read_mealy_from_txt(filename);
 			const auto t = create_translation_for_mealy(m);
 			return make_pair(move(m), move(t));
@@ -88,8 +185,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
 	// every thread gets its own seed
 	const auto random_seeds = [&] {
 		vector<uint_fast32_t> seeds(4);
-		if (seed_provided) {
-			seed_seq s{seed};
+		if (args.seed != 0) {
+			seed_seq s{args.seed};
 			s.generate(seeds.begin(), seeds.end());
 		} else {
 			random_device rd;
@@ -98,29 +195,35 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
 		return seeds;
-	auto all_pair_separating_sequences = [&]{
-		if(no_suffix) return splitting_tree(0, 0);
+	auto all_pair_separating_sequences = [&] {
+		if (no_suffix) return splitting_tree(0, 0);
-		const auto splitting_tree_hopcroft = [&]{
+		const auto splitting_tree_hopcroft = [&] {
 			time_logger t("creating hopcroft splitting tree");
-			return create_splitting_tree(machine, randomize_hopcroft ? randomized_hopcroft_style : hopcroft_style, random_seeds[0]);
+			return create_splitting_tree(
+			    machine, randomize_hopcroft ? randomized_hopcroft_style : hopcroft_style,
+			    random_seeds[0]);
 		return splitting_tree_hopcroft.root;
-	auto sequence = [&]{
-		if(no_suffix) return adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(0, 0);
+	auto sequence = [&] {
+		if (no_suffix) return adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(0, 0);
-		const auto tree = [&]{
+		const auto tree = [&] {
 			time_logger t("Lee & Yannakakis I");
-			if(use_distinguishing_sequence)
-				return create_splitting_tree(machine, randomize_lee_yannakakis ? randomized_lee_yannakakis_style : lee_yannakakis_style, random_seeds[1]);
+			if (use_distinguishing_sequence)
+				return create_splitting_tree(machine,
+				                             randomize_lee_yannakakis
+				                                 ? randomized_lee_yannakakis_style
+				                                 : lee_yannakakis_style,
+				                             random_seeds[1]);
 				return result(machine.graph_size);
-		const auto sequence_ = [&]{
+		const auto sequence_ = [&] {
 			time_logger t("Lee & Yannakakis II");
 			return create_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(tree);
@@ -130,19 +233,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
 	auto transfer_sequences = [&] {
 		time_logger t("determining transfer sequences");
-		if(prefix_type == "canonical") return create_transfer_sequences(canonical_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
-		if(prefix_type == "minimal") return create_transfer_sequences(minimal_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
-		if(prefix_type == "buggy") return create_transfer_sequences(buggy_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
-		if(prefix_type == "longest") return create_transfer_sequences(longest_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
-		cerr << "Warning: no valid prefix type specified. Assuming minimal.\n";
-		return create_transfer_sequences(minimal_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
+		switch (args.prefix_mode) {
+		case LEXMIN:
+			return create_transfer_sequences(canonical_transfer_sequences, machine, 0,
+			                                 random_seeds[2]);
+		case MIN:
+			return create_transfer_sequences(minimal_transfer_sequences, machine, 0,
+			                                 random_seeds[2]);
+		case BUGGY:
+			return create_transfer_sequences(buggy_transfer_sequences, machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
+		case DFS:
+			return create_transfer_sequences(longest_transfer_sequences, machine, 0,
+			                                 random_seeds[2]);
+		}
-	auto inputs = create_reverse_map(translation.input_indices);
+	auto const inputs = create_reverse_map(translation.input_indices);
-	const auto separating_family = [&]{
-		if(no_suffix) {
+	const auto separating_family = [&] {
+		if (no_suffix) {
 			separating_set s{{word{}}};
 			vector<separating_set> suffixes(machine.graph_size, s);
 			return suffixes;
@@ -152,22 +261,58 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
 		return create_separating_family(sequence, all_pair_separating_sequences);
-	if(streaming){
+	/*
+	 * From here on, we will be spamming the output with test cases.
+	 * Depending on the operation mode, this will be either a finite
+	 * or infinite test suite.
+	 */
+	const bool fixed_part = args.mode == ALL || args.mode == FIXED;
+	const bool random_part = args.mode == ALL || args.mode == RANDOM;
+	// we will remove redundancies using a radix tree/prefix tree/trie
+	trie<input> test_suite;
+	word buffer;
+	const auto output_word = [&inputs](const auto & w) {
+		for (const auto & x : w) {
+			cout << inputs[x] << ' ';
+		}
+		cout << endl;
+	};
+	if (fixed_part) {
+		// For the exhaustive/preset part we first collect all words
+		// (while removing redundant ones) before outputting them.
 		time_logger t("outputting all preset tests");
-		test(machine, transfer_sequences, separating_family, k_max, default_writer(inputs));
+		test(machine, transfer_sequences, separating_family, args.k_max,
+		     {[&buffer](auto const & w) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), w.begin(), w.end()); },
+		      [&buffer, &test_suite]() {
+			      test_suite.insert(buffer);
+			      buffer.clear();
+			      return true;
+			  }});
+		test_suite.for_each(output_word);
-	if(random_part){
+	if (random_part) {
+		// For the random part we immediately output new words, since
+		// there is no way of collecting an infinite set first...
+		// Note that this part terminates when the stream is closed.
 		time_logger t("outputting all random tests");
-		const auto k_max_ = streaming ? k_max + 1 : 0;
-		if (suffix_based) {
-			randomized_test_suffix(machine, transfer_sequences, separating_family, k_max_,
-			                       rnd_length, default_writer(inputs), random_seeds[3]);
-		} else {
-			randomized_test(machine, transfer_sequences, separating_family, k_max_, rnd_length,
-			                default_writer(inputs), random_seeds[3]);
-		}
+		const auto k_max_ = fixed_part ? args.k_max + 1 : 0;
+		randomized_test(
+		    machine, transfer_sequences, separating_family, k_max_, args.rnd_length,
+		    {[&buffer](auto const & w) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), w.begin(), w.end()); },
+		     [&buffer, &test_suite, &output_word]() {
+			     // TODO: probably we want to bound the size of the prefix tree
+			     if (test_suite.insert(buffer)) {
+				     output_word(buffer);
+			     }
+			     buffer.clear();
+			     return bool(cout);
+			 }},
+		    random_seeds[3]);
 } catch (exception const & e) {
diff --git a/src/measure.cpp b/src/measure.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd6048afdaa3658dee370807d08f3feec3c04e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/measure.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#include <trie.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-using namespace std;
-template <typename T>
-int func(std::istream & in, std::ostream & out) {
-	unordered_map<string, T> translation;
-	trie<T> unique_traces;
-	string line;
-	vector<T> current_word;
-	while (getline(in, line)) {
-		current_word.clear();
-		// TODO: this can be done more efficiently, I guess
-		stringstream ss(line);
-		string symbol;
-		while (ss >> symbol) {
-			if (symbol.empty()) continue;
-			const auto id = translation.insert(make_pair(symbol, translation.size())).first->second;
-			current_word.push_back(id);
-		}
-		unique_traces.insert(current_word);
-	}
-	const auto p = total_size(unique_traces);
-	out << p.first << '\t' << p.second << '\t' << p.first + p.second << endl;
-	return 0;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	// default is an alphabet is maximal 2^32 = 4'294'967'296 symbols
-	// this bound does not really matter for speed or space
-	return func<uint32_t>(cin, cout);
diff --git a/src/methods.cpp b/src/methods.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a26395af5f06bbf763366711ded18b66db0ef6ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/methods.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#include <adaptive_distinguishing_sequence.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <separating_family.hpp>
-#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
-#include <test_suite.hpp>
-#include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
-#include <trie.hpp>
-#include <docopt.h>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <random>
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-static const char USAGE[] =
-    R"(FSM-based test methods
-    Usage:
-      methods (hsi|ads) [options] <file>
-    Options:
-      -h, --help               Show current help
-      --version                Show version
-      -s <seed>, --seed <seed> Specify a seed
-      --non-random             Iterate inputs in specified order (as occurring in input file)
-      -k <states>              Testing extra states [default: 1]
-      --print-suite            Prints the whole test suite
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
-	const string filename = args.at("<file>").asString();
-	const size_t k_max = args.at("-k").asLong();
-	const auto machine = [&] {
-		if (filename.find(".txt") != string::npos) {
-			return read_mealy_from_txt(filename);
-		} else if (filename.find(".dot") != string::npos) {
-			return read_mealy_from_dot(filename).first;
-		}
-		clog << "warning: unrecognized file format, assuming dot";
-		return read_mealy_from_dot(filename).first;
-	}();
-	const auto random_seeds = [&] {
-		vector<uint_fast32_t> seeds(3);
-		if (args.at("--seed")) {
-			seed_seq s{args.at("--seed").asLong()};
-			s.generate(seeds.begin(), seeds.end());
-		} else {
-			random_device rd;
-			generate(seeds.begin(), seeds.end(), ref(rd));
-		}
-		return seeds;
-	}();
-	auto sequence_fut = async([&] {
-		if (args.at("hsi").asBool()) {
-			return create_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(result(machine.graph_size));
-		}
-		const auto tree = create_splitting_tree(machine, args.at("--non-random").asBool()
-		                                                     ? lee_yannakakis_style
-		                                                     : randomized_lee_yannakakis_style,
-		                                        random_seeds[0]);
-		return create_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(tree);
-	});
-	auto pairs_fut = async([&] {
-		const auto tree = create_splitting_tree(machine, args.at("--non-random").asBool()
-		                                                     ? min_hopcroft_style
-		                                                     : randomized_min_hopcroft_style,
-		                                        random_seeds[1]);
-		return tree.root;
-	});
-	auto prefixes_fut = async([&] {
-		return create_transfer_sequences(args.at("--non-random").asBool()
-		                                     ? canonical_transfer_sequences
-		                                     : minimal_transfer_sequences,
-		                                 machine, 0, random_seeds[2]);
-	});
-	auto suffixes_fut
-	    = async([&] { return create_separating_family(sequence_fut.get(), pairs_fut.get()); });
-	trie<input> test_suite;
-	word buffer;
-	const auto suffixes = suffixes_fut.get();
-	for(state s = 0; s < suffixes.size(); ++s){
-		clog << "suffixes for " << s << endl;
-		for(auto s2 : suffixes[s].local_suffixes) {
-			for(auto x : s2){
-				clog << x;
-			}
-			clog << endl;
-		}
-	}
-	const auto prefixes = prefixes_fut.get();
-	for(state s = 0; s < prefixes.size(); ++s) {
-		clog << "prefix for " << s << endl;
-		for(auto x : prefixes[s]) {
-			clog << x;
-		}
-		clog << endl;
-	}
-	test(machine, prefixes, suffixes, k_max,
-	     {[&buffer](auto const & w) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), w.begin(), w.end()); },
-	      [&buffer, &test_suite]() {
-		      test_suite.insert(buffer);
-		      buffer.clear();
-			  return true;
-		  }});
-	const auto p = total_size(test_suite);
-	cout << p.first << '\t' << p.second << '\t' << p.first + p.second << endl;
-	if(args.at("--print-suite").asBool()){
-		test_suite.for_each([](const auto & w){
-			for(const auto & x : w) {
-				cout << x << ' ';
-			}
-			cout << endl;
-		});
-	}
diff --git a/src/pre_gephi_tool.cpp b/src/pre_gephi_tool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1e99e564a1c88979bde9e8c6fe93d67816ddb4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pre_gephi_tool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#include <mealy.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
-#include <boost/optional.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <queue>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
-	if(argc != 5) return argc;
-	// Program options
-	const string machince_filename = argv[1];
-	const string machince_positions_filename = argv[2];
-	const string hypo_filename_pattern = argv[3];
-	const size_t maximal_hypothesis = stoul(argv[4]);
-	// Read all the hypothesis
-	translation trans;
-	vector<mealy> hypotheses;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i <= maximal_hypothesis; ++i){
-		clog << "Reading hypo " << i << endl;
-		string hypothesis_filename = hypo_filename_pattern;
-		auto it = hypothesis_filename.find('%');
-		hypothesis_filename.replace(it, 1, to_string(i));
-		hypotheses.push_back(read_mealy_from_dot(hypothesis_filename, trans));
-	}
-	const auto machine = read_mealy_from_dot(machince_filename, trans);
-	// Read the positions by gephi, indexed by state
-	// (export to .net file and then `tail +2 Untitled.net | awk '{print $3, $4}' > positions.txt`)
-	vector<pair<double, double>> positions(machine.graph_size);
-	ifstream position_file(machince_positions_filename);
-	for(auto & p : positions){
-		position_file >> p.first >> p.second;
-	}
-	// Visit all states and record in which hypo it is reached
-	vector<optional<size_t>> visited(machine.graph_size);
-	for(size_t i = 0; i <= maximal_hypothesis; ++i){
-		clog << "Visiting hypo " << i << endl;
-		const auto state_cover = create_transfer_sequences(canonical_transfer_sequences, hypotheses[i], 0, 0);
-		for(auto && p : state_cover){
-			state s = 0;
-			for(auto && inp : p){
-				if(!visited[s]) visited[s] = i;
-				s = apply(machine, s, inp).to;
-			}
-			if(!visited[s]) visited[s] = i;
-		}
-	}
-	// Output a dot per hypo, making a movie
-	for(size_t h = 0; h < hypotheses.size(); ++h){
-		clog << "Saving frame " << h << endl;
-		string hypothesis_filename = hypo_filename_pattern + ".movie";
-		auto it = hypothesis_filename.find('%');
-		hypothesis_filename.replace(it, 1, to_string(h));
-		ofstream out(hypothesis_filename);
-		out << "digraph {\n";
-		for(state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s){
-			bool is_visited = visited[s] ? (visited[s].value() <= h) : false;
-			out << "\t" << "s" << s << " [";
-			out << "color=\"" << (is_visited ? "green" : "red") << "\"" << ", ";
-			out << "pos=\"" << positions[s].first << "," << positions[s].second << "\"";
-			out << "]\n";
-		}
-		for(state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s){
-			vector<bool> should_ignore(machine.graph_size, false);
-			should_ignore[s] = true;
-			for(input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i){
-				const auto t = apply(machine, s, i).to;
-				if(should_ignore[t]) continue;
-				out << "\t" << "s" << s << " -> " << "s" << t << "\n";
-				should_ignore[t] = true;
-			}
-		}
-		out << "}" << endl;
-	}
diff --git a/src/reachability.cpp b/src/reachability.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff3a92fe89912ee029ac4b9dcaff004d3f8cfc8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/reachability.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include <mealy.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
-	if(argc != 3) return 1;
-	const string filename = argv[1];
-	const string machince_positions_filename = argv[2];
-	// Read machine and its positions
-	const auto machine_translation = read_mealy_from_dot(filename);
-	const auto & machine = machine_translation.first;
-	const auto & translation = machine_translation.second;
-	vector<pair<double, double>> positions(machine.graph_size);
-	ifstream position_file(machince_positions_filename);
-	for(auto & p : positions){
-		position_file >> p.first >> p.second;
-	}
-	// read subalphabet
-	cout << "Machine is read, please provide a subalphabet" << endl;
-	vector<input> subalphabet;
-	string in;
-	while(cin >> in){
-		const input x = translation.input_indices.at(in);
-		subalphabet.push_back(x);
-	}
-	// visit with subalphabet
-	vector<bool> visited(machine.graph_size, false);
-	queue<state> work;
-	work.push(0);
-	while(!work.empty()){
-		const state s = work.front();
-		work.pop();
-		if(visited[s]) continue;
-		visited[s] = true;
-		for(auto x : subalphabet){
-			const state t = apply(machine, s, x).to;
-			if(!visited[t]) work.push(t);
-		}
-	}
-	// write to dot
-	ofstream out(filename + ".reachable.dot");
-	out << "digraph {\n";
-	for(state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s){
-		bool is_visited = visited[s];
-		out << "\t" << "s" << s << " [";
-		out << "color=\"" << (is_visited ? "green" : "red") << "\"" << ", ";
-		out << "pos=\"" << positions[s].first << "," << positions[s].second << "\"";
-		out << "]\n";
-	}
-	for(state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s){
-		vector<bool> should_ignore(machine.graph_size, false);
-		should_ignore[s] = true;
-		for(input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i){
-			const auto t = apply(machine, s, i).to;
-			if(should_ignore[t]) continue;
-			out << "\t" << "s" << s << " -> " << "s" << t << "\n";
-			should_ignore[t] = true;
-		}
-	}
-	out << "}" << endl;
diff --git a/src/scatter_plot.cpp b/src/scatter_plot.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7732293882b20ab39b9009ea3fe84fb3ce811ff8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/scatter_plot.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#include <docopt.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-static const char USAGE[] =
-    R"(Generate a statistical learning graph from multiple runs
-    Usage:
-      learning_graph <file> ...
-    Options:
-      -h, --help       Show this screen
-      --version        Show version
-struct datapoint {
-	uint64_t states;
-	uint64_t learning_queries;
-	uint64_t learning_inputs;
-	uint64_t testing_queries;
-	uint64_t testing_inputs;
-using dataset = vector<datapoint>;
-static void accumulate_dataset(dataset & ds) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ds.size() - 1; ++i) {
-		ds[i + 1].learning_queries += ds[i].learning_queries;
-		ds[i + 1].learning_inputs += ds[i].learning_inputs;
-		ds[i + 1].testing_queries += ds[i].testing_queries;
-		ds[i + 1].testing_inputs += ds[i].testing_inputs;
-	}
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
-	vector<future<dataset>> dataset_futures;
-	for (auto const & filename : args.at("<file>").asStringList()) {
-		dataset_futures.emplace_back(async([filename] {
-			fstream file(filename);
-			if (!file) throw runtime_error("Could not open file " + filename);
-			dataset s;
-			datapoint p;
-			while (file >> p.states >> p.learning_queries >> p.learning_inputs >> p.testing_queries
-			       >> p.testing_inputs) {
-				s.push_back(p);
-			}
-			accumulate_dataset(s);
-			return s;
-		}));
-	}
-	vector<dataset> datasets;
-	clog << "datasets";
-	for (auto & f : dataset_futures) {
-		datasets.emplace_back(f.get());
-		clog << ' ' << datasets.back().size();
-		if (datasets.back().size() == 0) throw runtime_error("empty dataset");
-	}
-	clog << endl;
-	for (auto const & set : datasets) {
-		for (auto const & p : set) {
-			const auto v
-			    = p.learning_queries + p.learning_inputs + p.testing_queries + p.testing_inputs;
-			cout << p.states << '\t' << v << endl;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/stats.cpp b/src/stats.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3289334a61e95c311909716ddc44ea9927d9bae7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stats.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#include <adaptive_distinguishing_sequence.hpp>
-#include <mealy.hpp>
-#include <reachability.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <separating_family.hpp>
-#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
-#include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <random>
-using namespace std;
-template <typename C, typename S>
-void print_quantiles(C const & container, S && selector, ostream & out) {
-	const auto index_weight = [&](double p) -> pair<size_t, double> {
-		auto index = (p * (container.size() - 1));
-		return {floor(index), 1 - fmod(index, 1)};
-	};
-	auto sorted_container = container;
-	sort(sorted_container.begin(), sorted_container.end(),
-	     [&](auto const & l, auto const & r) { return selector(l) < selector(r); });
-	out << "min/Q1/Q2/Q3/max ";
-	out << selector(sorted_container.front()) << '/';
-	const auto i25 = index_weight(0.25);
-	out << i25.second * selector(sorted_container[i25.first])
-	           + (1 - i25.second) * selector(sorted_container[i25.first + 1])
-	    << '/';
-	const auto i50 = index_weight(0.50);
-	out << i50.second * selector(sorted_container[i50.first])
-	           + (1 - i50.second) * selector(sorted_container[i50.first + 1])
-	    << '/';
-	const auto i75 = index_weight(0.75);
-	out << i75.second * selector(sorted_container[i75.first])
-	           + (1 - i75.second) * selector(sorted_container[i75.first + 1])
-	    << '/';
-	out << selector(sorted_container.back());
-static auto count_self_loops(mealy const & m) {
-	vector<long> ret(m.graph_size);
-	for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
-		ret[s] = count_if(m.graph[s].begin(), m.graph[s].end(), [=](auto e) { return e.to == s; });
-	}
-	return ret;
-static void print_stats_for_machine(string filename) {
-	const auto machine = [&] {
-		if (filename.find(".txt") != string::npos) {
-			return read_mealy_from_txt(filename);
-		} else if (filename.find(".dot") != string::npos) {
-			return read_mealy_from_dot(filename).first;
-		}
-		clog << "warning: unrecognized file format, assuming dot";
-		return read_mealy_from_dot(filename).first;
-	}();
-	cout << "machine " << filename << " has\n";
-	cout << '\t' << machine.graph_size << " states\n";
-	cout << '\t' << machine.input_size << " inputs\n";
-	cout << '\t' << machine.output_size << " outputs" << endl;
-	const auto reachable_machine = reachable_submachine(machine, 0);
-	cout << '\t' << reachable_machine.graph_size << " reachable states" << endl;
-	const auto prefixes = create_transfer_sequences(canonical_transfer_sequences, reachable_machine, 0, 0);
-	cout << "prefixes ";
-	print_quantiles(prefixes, [](auto const & l) { return l.size(); }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	const auto self_loop_counts = count_self_loops(reachable_machine);
-	cout << "self loops ";
-	print_quantiles(self_loop_counts, [](auto const & l) { return l; }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	const auto counted_outputs = [&] {
-		vector<unsigned> counts(reachable_machine.input_size, 0);
-		for (auto && r : reachable_machine.graph)
-			for (auto && e : r) counts[e.out]++;
-		return counts;
-	}();
-	cout << "output usage ";
-	print_quantiles(counted_outputs, [](auto const & l) { return l; }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	{
-		ofstream extended_log("extended_log.txt");
-		for(auto && x : counted_outputs) extended_log << x << '\n';
-	}
-	const auto counted_states = [&] {
-		vector<unsigned> counts(reachable_machine.graph_size, 0);
-		for (auto && r : reachable_machine.graph)
-			for (auto && e : r) counts[e.to]++;
-		return counts;
-	}();
-	cout << "state usage ";
-	print_quantiles(counted_states, [](auto const & l) { return l; }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	{
-		ofstream extended_log("extended_log2.txt");
-		for(auto && x : counted_states) extended_log << x << '\n';
-	}
-	const auto unique_transitions = [&] {
-		vector<unsigned> ret(reachable_machine.input_size+1, 0);
-		for (state s = 0; s < reachable_machine.graph_size; ++s) {
-			unsigned count = 0;
-			vector<bool> c(reachable_machine.graph_size, false);
-			for (auto && x : reachable_machine.graph[s]) {
-				if(!c[x.to]) {
-					c[x.to] = true;
-					count++;
-				}
-			}
-			ret[count]++;
-		}
-		return ret;
-	}();
-	cout << "transition usage ";
-	print_quantiles(unique_transitions, [](auto const & l) { return l; }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	{
-		ofstream extended_log("extended_log3.txt");
-		for (auto && x : unique_transitions) extended_log << x << '\n';
-	}
-	return;
-	random_device rd;
-	uint_fast32_t seeds[] = {rd(), rd()};
-	auto sequence_fut = async([&] {
-		const auto tree = create_splitting_tree(machine, randomized_lee_yannakakis_style, seeds[0]);
-		return create_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(tree);
-	});
-	auto pairs_fut = async([&] {
-		const auto tree = create_splitting_tree(machine, randomized_min_hopcroft_style, seeds[1]);
-		return tree.root;
-	});
-	const auto suffixes = create_separating_family(sequence_fut.get(), pairs_fut.get());
-	cout << "number of suffixes (randomized) ";
-	print_quantiles(suffixes, [](auto const & l) { return l.local_suffixes.size(); }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-	vector<word> all_suffixes;
-	for (auto const & s : suffixes)
-		for (auto const & t : s.local_suffixes) all_suffixes.push_back(t);
-	cout << "length of all suffixes (randomized) ";
-	print_quantiles(all_suffixes, [](auto const & l) { return l.size(); }, cout);
-	cout << endl;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	if (argc != 2) {
-		cerr << "usages: stats <filename>" << endl;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	const string filename = argv[1];
-	print_stats_for_machine(filename);
diff --git a/src/trees.cpp b/src/trees.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 54002c297034dd0cf24de213577235744be71547..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/trees.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include <adaptive_distinguishing_sequence.hpp>
-#include <read_mealy.hpp>
-#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
-#include <write_tree_to_dot.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <random>
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-	if (argc != 3) return 1;
-	const string filename = argv[1];
-	const string randomized_str = argv[2];
-	const bool randomized = randomized_str == "randomized";
-	const auto machine_and_translation = read_mealy_from_dot(filename);
-	const auto & machine = machine_and_translation.first;
-	const auto & translation = machine_and_translation.second;
-	const auto options = randomized ? randomized_lee_yannakakis_style : lee_yannakakis_style;
-	random_device rd;
-	const auto tree = create_splitting_tree(machine, options, rd());
-	const auto sequence = create_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence(tree);
-	write_splitting_tree_to_dot(tree.root, filename + ".tree");
-	write_adaptive_distinguishing_sequence_to_dot(sequence, translation, filename + ".seq");