diff --git a/lib/read_mealy.cpp b/lib/read_mealy.cpp
index c19429e4a631aa2583dec7d14d5f335356844c4f..c1ec122529f4f3a88e04cbd2a0654eceee1df59d 100644
--- a/lib/read_mealy.cpp
+++ b/lib/read_mealy.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ static string easy_substr(string const & s, size_t begin, size_t end){
 	return s.substr(begin, end - begin);
-mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::istream & in) {
+mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::istream & in, bool check) {
 	mealy m;
 	state max_state = 0;
@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::istream & in) {
 	if (m.graph_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty state set");
 	if (m.input_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty input set");
 	if (m.output_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty output set");
-	if (!is_complete(m)) throw runtime_error("Partial machine");
+	if (check && !is_complete(m)) throw runtime_error("Partial machine");
 	return m;
-mealy read_mealy_from_txt(const std::string & filename) {
+mealy read_mealy_from_txt(const std::string & filename, bool check) {
 	std::ifstream file(filename);
-	return read_mealy_from_txt(file);
+	return read_mealy_from_txt(file, check);
-mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, translation & t){
+mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, translation & t, bool check){
 	mealy m;
 	std::unordered_map<std::string, state> state_indices;
@@ -116,27 +116,27 @@ mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, translation & t){
 	if(m.graph_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty state set");
 	if(m.input_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty input set");
 	if(m.output_size == 0) throw runtime_error("Empty output set");
-	if(!is_complete(m)) throw runtime_error("Partial machine");
+	if(check && !is_complete(m)) throw runtime_error("Partial machine");
 	return m;
-mealy read_mealy_from_dot(const string & filename, translation & t){
+mealy read_mealy_from_dot(const string & filename, translation & t, bool check){
 	ifstream file(filename);
-	return read_mealy_from_dot(file, t);
+	return read_mealy_from_dot(file, t, check);
-std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(istream & in){
+std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(istream & in, bool check){
 	translation t;
-	const auto m = read_mealy_from_dot(in, t);
+	const auto m = read_mealy_from_dot(in, t, check);
 	return {move(m), move(t)};
-std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(const string & filename){
+std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(const string & filename, bool check){
 	translation t;
-	const auto m = read_mealy_from_dot(filename, t);
+	const auto m = read_mealy_from_dot(filename, t, check);
 	return {move(m), move(t)};
diff --git a/lib/read_mealy.hpp b/lib/read_mealy.hpp
index a1725826588b61090a72a5d0cb01d6489f233d9c..ebfd938fb1dd7571fc8733ba516d3aaf332c91ca 100644
--- a/lib/read_mealy.hpp
+++ b/lib/read_mealy.hpp
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ struct translation;
 /// \brief reads a mealy machine from plain txt file as provided by A. T. Endo
 /// States, inputs and outputs in these files are already integral, so no need for translation
-mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::istream & in);
-mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::string const & filename);
+mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::istream & in, bool check = true);
+mealy read_mealy_from_txt(std::string const & filename, bool check = true);
 /// \brief reads a mealy machine from dot files as generated by learnlib
 /// Here we need a translation, which is extended during parsing
-mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, translation & t);
-mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::string const & filename, translation & t);
+mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, translation & t, bool check = true);
+mealy read_mealy_from_dot(std::string const & filename, translation & t, bool check = true);
 /// \brief reads a mealy machine from dot files as generated by learnlib
 /// Here the translation starts out empty and is returned in the end
-std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in);
-std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(std::string const & filename);
+std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(std::istream & in, bool check = true);
+std::pair<mealy, translation> read_mealy_from_dot(std::string const & filename, bool check = true);
 /// \brief For non-integral formats we use a translation to integers
diff --git a/src/complete.cpp b/src/complete.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b483c2775b1b5a91b95311e50fe1ae8d3ae90590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/complete.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include <adaptive_distinguishing_sequence.hpp>
+#include <read_mealy.hpp>
+#include <separating_family.hpp>
+#include <splitting_tree.hpp>
+#include <test_suite.hpp>
+#include <transfer_sequences.hpp>
+#include <trie.hpp>
+#include <docopt.h>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <random>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+static const char USAGE[] =
+    R"(FSM-completer (only dot), also renames the state names
+    Usage:
+      methods [options] <file>
+    Options:
+      -h, --help               Show current help
+      --version                Show version
+      --sink                   Completion with sink
+      --loop                   Completion with self loops (default)
+      --output <out>           Output for new transitions (leave empty for fresh output)
+void write_mealy_to_dot(const mealy & m, const translation & translation, std::ostream & out) {
+	const auto inputs = create_reverse_map(translation.input_indices);
+	const auto output = create_reverse_map(translation.output_indices);
+	out << "digraph {\n";
+	for (state s = 0; s < m.graph_size; ++s) {
+		for (input i = 0; i < m.input_size; ++i) {
+			if (!defined(m, s, i)) continue;
+			const auto ret = apply(m, s, i);
+			out << s << " -> " << ret.to << " [label=\"" << inputs[i] << " / " << output[ret.out]
+			    << "\"]\n";
+		}
+	}
+	out << "}\n";
+int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
+	const auto args = docopt::docopt(USAGE, {argv + 1, argv + argc}, true, __DATE__ __TIME__);
+	const string filename = args.at("<file>").asString();
+	auto mt = read_mealy_from_dot(filename, false);
+	auto & machine = mt.first;
+	auto & translation = mt.second;
+	if (!is_complete(machine)) {
+		const auto out = [&]() -> output {
+			if (args.at("--output")) {
+				const string out_str = args.at("--output").asString();
+				if (translation.output_indices.count(out_str)) {
+					// reuse old output
+					return translation.output_indices[out_str];
+				}
+			}
+			// else: grab a new one
+			string newo = "SILENT";
+			while(translation.output_indices.count(newo)) newo += '0';
+			return translation.output_indices[newo] = machine.output_size++;
+		}();
+		if (args.at("--sink").asBool()) {
+			// add sink
+			const auto new_state = machine.graph_size++;
+			machine.graph.resize(machine.graph_size);
+			for (state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s) {
+				machine.graph[s].resize(machine.input_size);
+				for (input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i) {
+					if (defined(machine, s, i)) continue;
+					machine.graph[s][i] = mealy::edge(new_state, out);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// add self loops
+			for (state s = 0; s < machine.graph_size; ++s) {
+				machine.graph[s].resize(machine.input_size);
+				for (input i = 0; i < machine.input_size; ++i) {
+					if (defined(machine, s, i)) continue;
+					machine.graph[s][i] = mealy::edge(s, out);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	write_mealy_to_dot(machine, translation, cout);