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- Fixed Time Display (!111)
- Change event reducer to reset events to initial state on FETCHING action (!110)
- Make the statusbar translucent in the android files (!105)
- Fix calendar ordering using years (!104)
- Fixed animated profile image having children. (!102)
- Resolve "Name is not updated in menu" (!134)

- Add push notification entitlements (!109)
- Alert when user logs out to prevent accidental logout (!98)
- Add pizza order button to the event detail (!129)
- Add deep linking functionality (!125)
- Make the maps image clickable and let it open directions (!120)
- Make keyboard dismissing easier on iOS (!116)
- Made event cards tappable (!113, !126)
- Scroll up when ordering a pizza (!100)
- Add accent color to android styling (!99)
- Add event registration (!95, !106)
- Move status- and appbar to new component and make statusbar translucent (!73)

- iOS release (!115, !90, !114, !108, !107, !127, !118, !112)
- Upgrade React Native to RN 0.51 and subsequently 0.52 (!97, !121)
- Improve the UI of the error screen (!119)
- Update README and add yarn script shortcuts to package.json (!101)
- Use tokenselector in pizza sagas and actions (!122)
- Simplify MemberView by fixing size instead of calculating it dynamically (!103, !117)
- Replace snackbar component with native solution (!96)
- Resolve "Gebruik thumbnail-URIs uit de API ipv ze te genereren" (!131)