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##  :bookmark: concrexit v1.18

## Errors resolved
- Fix member achievements in (!963) 
- Fix Dutch translation in membership notification email incorrect (!959) ~"members"
- Resolve "Location Map at Events broken" (!957, !976, !961) ~"events"
- Fix registrations table sorting of cancel date (!955) ~"events"
- Two registrations one email address (!950) ~"registrations"
- Make registrations readonly on completed (!948) ~"registrations"
- Make url for push messages non-required (!946) ~"push notifications"
- Fix tests broken by default language change (#704, !943) (!944) 
- Fix save order for payments in registrations (!936) 
- Fix comparison in registration model for year and programme (!934) ~"registrations"
- Add __str__ methods to the member models (!931) ~"members"

## New functionality
- Resolve "Add descriptions to push notification categories" (!942, !945) ~"push notifications" ~"easy or fun" ~"priority: low"
- Add deeplinking functionality to push notifications (!802) ~"priority: low" ~"push notifications"
- Add sorting to custom columns in event admin (!956) 
- Make it possible for previous members to prolong their benefactorship (!954) ~"registrations"
- Complete docs in pushnotifications package (!938) 
- Complete docs for payments package (!937) 
- Add data minimisation management command (!935) 
- Added Society model (!933, !940) 
- Add the Google Maps url to the events api (!972)

## Technical changes
- Resolve "Change default language to English" (!943) ~"priority: low" ~"request for comments"
- Move google maps creation to template tag and add parameters (!964) 
- Deleted voicemailbox from contactpage (!962) 
- Change HTML indent size to 4 (!953) 
- Make studentnumber required for member registration (!949) ~"registrations"
- Change list_action detail_action decorators to action to solve DeprecationWarning (!947) ~"api"
- Add an explanation about the auto generated board lists (!941) ~"mailinglists"
- Update Pipfile.lock (!939) 
- Clarify activemember (!930) ~"documentation" ~"members"
- No longer test on python 3.5 (!924) 

## Other
- Change to use python 3 for pipenv (!919)