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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.3.1
    Release 1.3.1
    * Hotfix for a migration: needs `atomic=False` on Postgres
  • v1.3.2
    Release 1.3.2
    Hotfix: The waiting list should only include non-cancels (!360, !361, !362)
  • v1.4.0 Release: v1.4.0
    Release 1.4.0
  • v1.4.1 Release: v1.4.1
    Release 1.4.1
  • v1.4.2 Release: v1.4.2
    Release 1.4.2
  • v1.4.3 Release: v1.4.3
    Release 1.4.3
  • v1.5.0 Release: v1.5.0
    Release 1.5.0
  • v1.6.0 Release: v1.6.0
    Release 1.6.0
  • v1.6.1 Release: v1.6.1
    Release 1.6.1
    Hotfix release
    *  Protects various image endpoints against directory traversal (!432,
        !436, #377)
    * Fixes the crash for events without an organiser (#373, !431, !434)
  • v1.7.0 Release: v1.7.0
    Thalia Website v1.7.0
    ## Errors resolved
    - Change memberlist text so that it doesnt mentions email or phone numbers (!428)
    - Fix error for events without organiser (!431)
    - Make sure boards are always active so that they can create events etc (!430)
    - Fix setting all users not on waiting list or cancelled to present and paid (!429)
    - Fix event ModelAdmin change permissions (!440)
    ## New functionality
    - Randomly order vacancies (!427)
    - Bound announcements on datetime instead of date (!438)
    - Add permission that overrides event organiser restrictions (!441)
    - Also include mailinglist aliasses in API output (!439)
    ## Technical changes
    - Double checked README (!422)
    - Use newer version of flake8 (!433)
    - Fix path traversal (!432)
    - Document thumbnail url usage (!435)
    - Dockerfile: Move statics such as entrypoint up in the build (!437)
    - Move to Django 1.11 (!442, !444)
    - Make Event.organiser NOT NULL (!443)
  • v1.8.0 Release: v1.8.0
    Thalia Website v1.8.0
    Errors resolved
    - Fix board wiki permissions (!452)
    - Fix broken `<a>` tag in translation of association page (!453)
    - Make sure boards 'end' on profile page (!424)
    - sort multiple memberships of same committee by date (!424)
    - Strip tags in description of event in calendar (!454)
    - Show the role of board members on the profile page (!446)
    - Fix thumbnails in shared albums (!450)
    - Fix updating event registration (!455)
    - Correct message when cancelling on time when there is a queue (!451)
    New functionality
    - Clarify mailing list admin form (!445)
    - Allow prefix of mailing lists to be blank (!445)
    - Show weekday in events admin (!449)
    - Display membership type on profile page (!458, !462)
    - Don't show admin help text in user forms for education pages (!460)
    - Bring back different leader images (!404)
    - Show unpublished events in calendar for event administrators (!423)
    Technical changes
    - Conform Gitlab CI variables to 9.0 naming (!447)
    - Initial version of Merge Request and Issue templates (!456)
    - Improve testing experience in the docker container (!457)
    - Clean up two applications of `striptags` (!459)
  • v1.8.1
    Release 1.8.1
    * Add quiz for committee lunch
  • v1.8.2 Release: v1.8.2
    Launch of `v1` api for the ThaliApp
  • v1.8.3 Release: v1.8.3
    Thalia Website 1.8.3
  • v1.8.4 Release: v1.8.4
    # :ambulance: Thalia Website 1.8.4
    - Fixed which registrations are retrieved for events
    - Added `profile_description` to the member detail serializer
    - Add html entity unescape functionality to event descriptions in the API
  • v1.9.0 Release: v1.9.0
    ##  :bookmark: Thalia Website v1.9.0
    ## Errors resolved
    - Creating a duplicate mailinglist alias now correctly gives an error (!467)
    - Fix saving board missing 'until' or 'since' values (!468)
    - Do not show fine warning when registration is in queue (!466)
    - Fine no longer required for events without registration (!487)
    - Fix event dates in plaintext newsletters (!493)
    - Fix event cards showing HTML entities (!515)
    - Fix sending 'spot available' mail to the second person in the waiting list (!510)
    - 'Spot available' mail no longer sent when members on the waiting list cancel their registration (!510)
    - Fix bug where link to your own profile would link to someone else's profile (!465)
    - Fix bug where members event list API did not work (!524)
    - Fix vacancy description showing HTML entities (!481)
    ## New functionality
    - Increase administration text editor width/height (!473)
    - Announcements may use HTML with links etc (!484)
    - Add number of registrations to backend event details (!478)
    - Add alias searching to mailinglists and show them in the admin overview (!485)
    - Administratietrucjes: add IBAN export (!503)
    - Administratietrucjes: Email non expiring notifications (!506)
    - Going back to the calender from an event keeps the calendar on the same date (!448)
    - Events now have a required category field (!479)
    - Event registration is performed *before* fields are submitted (!477, !523)
    - Hide fine in events frontend for unauthenticated users (!516)
    - Improve searching for members (!517)
    - Photo album titles are now multilingual (!474)
    - No longer possible to upload duplicate photos to the album backend (!419, !482, !526)
    ## Technical changes
    - Generate logos for partner fixtures (!480)
    - Make sure 'fit' variable is an int for thumbnails (!475)
    - Add pagination to the API (!492)
    - Expose events through the API (!489, !499, !508, !509, !505)
    - Expose members through the API (!490, !511)
    - Add versioning to the API (!491)
    - Remove thaliapp module (!498)
  • v1.9.1
  • v1.9.2 Release: v1.9.2
    # :ambulance: Thalia Website 1.9.2
    - Add frontpage announcement feature
  • v19 Release: v19
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v19
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix next url in events registrations admin (!1026) ~"events"
    - Fix translation of 'Only nickname' in Dutch (!1025) ~"members"
    - Add check to newsletters to prevent /admin/newsletters urls (!1024) ~"newsletter"
    - Fix registration date in event member email (!1023) ~"events"
    - Clarify address specification (!1021) ~"registrations"
    - Add help text about active committees* (!1020) ~"activemembers"
    - Add ListAlias.__str__ (!1019) ~"mailinglists"
    - Sort association documents by name (!1016) ~"documents"
    - Fix translations for information check (!1015, !1004) ~"members"
    - Fix activemembers sitemap (!994) ~"activemembers"
    - Fix dataminimisation tests (!990)
    - Event registration export does not have the correct date associated with it. (!984) 
    - Make student number unique (!977) ~"members"
    - Fix statistics member types input (!966) ~"members"
    - Improve sister associations page (!1036) 
    ## New functionality
    - Add header slider with admin manageable slides (!1010) 
    - Add all previous memberships to renewal page (!1005) ~"registrations"
    - Make it possible to correct an acception or rejection in registrations (!952) ~"registrations"
    - Add resend confirmation email button to admin (!951) ~"registrations"
    ## Technical changes
    - Update Pipfile.lock (!1028) 
    - Use fstrings in edu (!1018) ~"education"
    - Make alert a templatetag (!1011) 
    - Changed the zip files to google drive links (!1006) 
    - Remove redundant http headers (!995) ~server
    - Change all textual mentions of supporter to benefactor (!960) ~"i18n"
    - Split photos tests and added new tests (!923) ~"photos"
    - Check obsolete translations with codestyle and fix codestyle test (!985) 
    - Replace print statements by logging calls (!978) 
    - Replace old by new template (!1017, !1033, !1012, !989, !988, !1009, !1002, !1001, !1000, !999, !998, !996, !983, !979, !971, !970, !969, !965) !style
  • v19.1 Release: v19.1
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v19.1
    ## Errors resolved
    -  Fix events js (!1044)