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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v19.2 Release: v19.2
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v19.2
    ## Errors resolved
    - Improve usability of header on mobile devices (!1046) ~style
    - Fix events frontpage translation (!1047) ~events
    - Fix usage of script tag on statistics page (!1048) ~members
    - Fix the birthdays calendar by refactoring the start/end date query parsing (!1049) ~members
    - Fix header size too large on smaller screen laptops (!1050) ~style
  • v19.3 Release: v19.3
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v19.3
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix JavaScript on pizzas order page (!1056) ~pizzas
    - Remove unused JS from pizzas overview  (!1057) ~pizza
  • v20 Release: v20
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v20
    ## Errors resolved
    - Handle update of present/payment fields separately (!1085) 
    - Fix migrations in master branch (!1083) 
    - Restrict changing registrations to organiser (!1081) 
    - Changed No Registration Needed Text (!1078) ~"events"
    - Reduce memory consumption in photo processing (!1073) ~"photos"
    - Prevent creation of automatic mailinglists (!1071) 
    - Fix birthdays calendar button (!1070) 
    - Added the Possibility To Enter Uppercase Student Number (!1069) 
    - Changed Search Button On Member Page (!1068) ~"style" ~"members"
    - Make footer stick to bottom (!1067) 
    - Changed Buttons of Events (!1066) 
    - Changed Layout Button (!1065) 
    - Fix aspect ratio of membergroup photos (!1064) 
    - Fix 'older Thabloids' category (!1059) 
    - Fix events javascript to be compressed again (!1058) 
    - Remove unused JS from pizzas overview (!1057) ~"pizzas"
    - Fix JavaScript on pizzas order page (!1056) 
    - Make member-event combination unique for event registrations (!1051) ~"events"
    - Improve vacancy validation (!1037) 
    - Change events admin urls (!1030) ~"technical change"
    ## New functionality
    - Add society memberships to the members API (!1075) ~"members" ~"api"
    - Add grey icon for concrexit if running in debug mode (!1074) 
    - Add alumni page (!1055) 
    - Add email address CSV export feature (!1054) ~"members" ~"events"
    - Add filter to get all users without an active membership (!1053) ~"members" ~"events"
    - Added the ability to edit your profile through the members API (!1041) ~"members" ~"api"
    - Add search functionality to photos app (!1034) ~"photos"
    ## Technical changes
    - Change dropdown menu in front-end for user registration/enrollment with amount (!1061) ~"priority: low" ~"easy and fun" ~"registrations"
    - New Mailinglist with all old boards (!1079) 
    - Replaced MemberRetrieveSerializer by ProfileRetrieveSerializer (!1077) ~"members" ~"api"
    - Removed base 64 image from the members API (!1076) ~"members" ~"api"
    - Payments package additions and changes (!1072) 
    - Changed Sister Associations to Sibling Associations (!1063) 
    - Added Notification When Creating Events (!1062) ~"events" ~"announcements"
    - Update Fancybox to version 3 (!1052) 
    - Add extra CI codestyle tests (!1043) 
    - Added Societies Header on Profiles (!1040) ~"members"
    - Replace raven by sentrysdk (!1032) 
    - Refactor push notifications (!1031) 
    - Update to Django 2.1 (!1029) 
    - Replace Highcharts by Chart.js (!997) ~"statistics"
    - Cleaned up albums and photos downloads (!987) ~"photos"
  • v20.1 Release: v20.1
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v20.1
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix sitemap reference (!1095)
  • v21 Release: v21
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v21
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix new event saving (!1117) 
    - Block creation of more mailinglists because they're automatic (!1116) 
    - Sort member list always alphabetically (!1115) 
    - Use thumbnailer everywhere for partners (!1114) 
    - Fix paid status sorting pizzas (!1113) 
    - Do not send membership notifications for future members (!1111) 
    - Prevent changes to price and registration start after registration has started (!1105) 
    - Fix unpublished events feed (!1103) 
    - Save event first before creating notifications when adding (!1100) 
    - Make the slider responsive to hold a steady aspect ratio of 2.5 (!1099) 
    - Add rel=noopener where target=_blank (!1094) 
    - Correctly align members and photos search forms (!1093) 
    - Fix thabloid filtering column/rows (!1092) 
    - Changed List View in Calendar (!1091, !1106) ~"events"
    ## New functionality
    - Add language to summary data (!1060) ~"priority: medium"
    - Added admin serializer for the event registrations (!1110) ~"events" ~"api"
    - Add admin group to NextCloud api (!1107, !1108) 
    - Add APIs for NextCloud user sync (!1098) 
    - Added document support to events (!1080)
    - Scheduled notifications for pizza events (!920) ~"push notifications"
    ## Technical changes
    - Move prepopulated fields back to original implementation (!1104) 
    - Add test to verify sitemap does not throw error status (!1102) 
    - Only tag latest docker tag on release (!1097) 
    - Switch to docker hub for images (!1096)
  • v21.1 Release: v21.1
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v21.1
    ## Errors resolved
    - Add translation for hardcoded "Locatie" (!1136) 
    - Fix events unpublish (!1135) 
    - Remove notifications on event delete (!1134) 
    - Replace non-existent redirect_to with request.get_full_path_info (!1131) 
    - Automatic pizza save fix (!1130) 
    ## New functionality
    - Conscribo member sync (!1132) 
    ## Technical changes
    - Update (!1133) 
    - Add special automatic NextCloud group with current board members (!1129) 
    - Add explanatory text to societies page (!1128)
  • v21.2 Release: v21.2
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v21.2
    ## Errors resolved
    - Set right entity type in conscribo sync (!1137)
  • v22 Release: v22
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v22
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix for API assuming non external registration (!1162) ~"events"
    - Changed Date Format in List View + Translations (!1159) ~"events"
    - Fixed Visual Error Committees (!1149) ~"activemembers"
    - Clickable links to Achievements and Societies (!1160) ~"activemembers"
    - Fix vars in fstr in (!1152, !1142) ~"members"
    - Don't cascade user deletion into deletion of exams etc (!1144) ~"members"
    - Remove SECRET_KEY from (!1146) 
    ## New functionality
    - Add automatic NextCloud group for committee chairs (!1168) ~"activemembers"
    - Add 'Display members' field for MemberGroup (!1150, !1165) ~"activemembers"
    - Add membership type to payment notes (!1147) ~"registrations"
    - Add country field to user profiles (!1140) ~"registrations" ~"members"
    - Add more functionality to payments admin (search, export, fields) (!1154, !1169) ~"payments"
    - Add wire payment type to payments app (!1145) ~"payments"
    ## Technical changes
    - Update Python and Postgres (!1151, !1148) 
    - Update pipfile.lock (!1161) 
    - (Doet Luko) Thumbnailing refactor (!1155, !1167) ~refactor ~"security"
    - Events payments refactor (!1112, !1153) ~"events" ~refactor
    - Unify used tablesorter plugins (!1143) ~"events" ~"pizzas" ~refactor
    - Replace 'supporter' value in Membership model by 'benefactor' (!1141) ~"members" ~"registrations" ~refactor
    - Remove miscellaneous from top of documents page (!1139) ~"documents"
    - Set download attribute on Thabloid download links (!1138) ~"thabloid"
  • v22.1 Release: v22.1
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v21.2
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix data minimisation (!1185)
  • v23 Release: v23
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v23
    ## Errors resolved
    - Allow board membership to contain end date (!1183) ~"activemembers" ~"priority: medium"
    - Prevent double email addresses appearing in the activemembers mailinglist (!1207) 
    - Changed Mentor Achievement to be Unclickable + Code Cleanup (!1202) ~"activemembers"
    - Changed Translation For Programme Registration (!1201) ~"registrations"
    - Set html language code based on current session (!1198) 
    - Fix grayscaling of unavailable albums (!1197) ~"photos"
    - Fix race condition in registration approve/save (!1196) ~"registrations"
    - Fix registration editing organiser non member (!1194) ~"events"
    - Fix data minimisation (!1185) ~"members"
    - Fix member tabs active state (!1181) ~"members"
    - Thumbnail the merchandise images (!1178) ~"merchandise"
    - Restrict changing registration to users with change registration perms (!1166) ~"events"
    - Restrict updates to pizza orders to organisers of the pizza event (!1164) ~"pizzas"
    ## New functionality
    - Add automatic events input for newsletters (!1200) ~"newsletter"
    - Add coverage reporting on (!1193) 
    - Add manual data minimisation functionality (!1189) ~"members"
    - Write newsletter html to file on sending (!1174) ~"newsletter"
    - Add functionality to admin to edit information fields (!1170) ~"events"
    ## Technical changes
    - Move `factory_boy` to main packages (!1205) 
    - Replace FileValidator and remove old validator from previous migrations (!1199) 
    - Add docs static html pushing in gitlab ci to (!1195) ~"documentation"
    - Ignore *.egg-info (!1192) 
    - Update PC description with correct abbreviation and FB link (!1191) 
    - Test the merchandise package (!1190) 
    - Add coverage badge (!1188) 
    - Do not specifiy parameters for coverage in ci: use .coveragerc (!1187) 
    - Add automatic testing for model str method (!1186) ~"testing"
    - Replace Google Drive with Nextcloud links in styleguide (!1184) 
    - Improve createfixtures (!1182) ~"code"
    - Remove redundant CMD instruction from Dockerfile (!1180) ~"server"
    - Do migrate, collectstatic and compress in entrypoints (!1179) ~"server"
    - Replace the wiki menu item by Nextcloud (!1177) ~"static pages"
    - Migrate to poetry and remove tox (!1176) ~"code"
  • v23.1 Release: v23.1
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v23.1
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix pizza api ordering (!1221)
  • v24 Release: v24
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v24
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix pizza api serializers and viewsets (!1278) ~"pizzas"
    - Fix saving pizza event if notification already exists (!1252) ~"pizzas"
    - Fix thabloids out-of-item rendering (!1261) ~"thabloid"
    - Fix broken file validators (!1257) ~"documents" ~"thabloid"
    - Fix newsletter event auto field filling for more than 11 events (!1251) ~"newsletter"
    - Base costs warning in newsletter only on the checkbox (!1229) ~"newsletter"
    - Fix some small bugs in the automatic newsletter event code (!1228) ~"newsletter"
    - Allow mixed ordering of items in newsletter (!1223) ~"newsletter"
    - Fix none birthday showing on profile (!1247) ~"members"
    - Fix css class of older members tab (!1243) ~"members"
    - Fix events payment status export in csv (!1246) ~"events"
    - Fix order and showing of events cards (!1244, !1276) ~"events"
    - Changed Event Terms (!1232) ~"events"
    - Fix event url in iCal description (!1231) ~"events"
    - Fix organiser only decorator for registration views (!1222) ~events
    - Fix event push notifications form redirect and field labels (!1271) ~"push notifications"
    ## New functionality
    - Add notification title+body to message data (!1279) ~"push notifications"
    - Add sending of notification to participants of event by organisers (!1254) ~events
    - Added Organiser to Events Page (!1215)  ~events
    - Add ability for users to change their bank accounts (!1241) ~"payments"
    - Add benefactors registration form and address autocomplete (!1236, !1274) ~"registrations"
    - Automatically populate newsletter agenda using events package (!1227) ~"newsletter"
    - Add FileHandler for django logging (!1226) ~"server"
    - Resolve "Automatic notification after uploading a new photo album" (!1211) ~"photos" ~"push notifications"
    - Add newsletter planning feature (!1206, !1266, !1282) ~"newsletter"
    - Add command to minimise registrations data (!1203) ~"registrations"
    ## Technical changes
    - Update dependency sentry-sdk to ~0.9.0 (!1281) 
    - Start uwsgi with `exec` so it receives signals correctly (!1277) 
    - Fix naive datetime runtime error (!1268) ~"registrations"
    - Fix double occurances of emails in mailinglists (!1264) ~"mailinglists"
    - Refactor and remove thaliawebsite views (!1255) ~"refactor"
    - Remove obsolete pizza views and fix redirects (!1253) ~"refactor"
    - Remove django-cors-headers (!1249) ~"refactor"
    - Change newsletter automatic agenda range to 2 weeks instead of 1 (!1245) ~"newsletter"
    - Split profile form in 2 to make it easier to edit (!1242) ~"members"
    - Replace print with self.stdout.write in management (!1234) 
    - Do not require events api authentication for open data (!1230) ~"events"
    - Move pizza admin to backend and migrate to payments app for payment registration (!1225) ~"payments" ~"pizzas"
    - Update to Django 2.2 (!1224) 
    - Change notification address domains (!1212) 
    - Update dependency sentry-sdk to ~0.8.0 (!1262) 
    - Update dependency factory_boy to ~2.12 (!1250) 
    - Update dependency sphinx to v2 (!1240) 
    - Update dependency Pillow to v6 (!1239) 
    - Update dependency firebase-admin to ~2.16 (!1238) 
    - Change schedule to always except for Wednesday evening (!1237) 
    - Update poetry dependencies (!1235) 
    - Configure Renovate (!1210)
  • v25 Release: v25
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v25
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix url resolving (!1305)
    - Fix in notification type description (!1301) ~"push notifications"
    - Fix issue where list event close on scroll (!1299) ~"events"
    - Set minute inline extra to 0 (!1297) ~"documents"
    - Changed HR to Rules and Regulations (!1289)
    - Add education sitemap (!1285)
    - Fix thumbnailing of images to same size as source (!1265)
    ## New functionality
    - Add mention of other payment methods in membership payment email (!1298) ~"registrations"
    - Add automatic mailinglist for society chairs (!1296) ~"mailinglists" ~"activemembers"
    - Add local partner to partners page (!1295) ~"partners"
    - Update newsletter to include logos of main and local partners (!1294) ~"partners"
    - Sync mandate no to conscribo (!1292 !1306) ~"payments"
    - Added DressMe to styleguide (!1290)
    - Add useful features to model admins (!1286) ~"pizzas" ~"members" ~"activemembers" ~"newsletter" ~"payments" ~"partners" ~"photos"
    - Added Contact Link to Committee/Society Pages (!1233) ~"activemembers"
    ## Technical changes
    - Update dependency sentry-sdk to ~0.10.0 (!1304)
    - Update dependency Pillow to ~6.1 (!1302)
    - Update bootstrap (!1300)
    - Migrate to FullCalendar v4 (!1291) ~"events"
    - Remove print statement (oops) (!1288)
    - Remove Sentry permission (!1283)
    - Update dependency sphinx to ~2.1 (!1280)
    - Update dependency firebase-admin to ~2.17 (!1267)
    - Refactor members package to use class-based views (!1260) ~"members" ~"refactor"
    - Refactor education views to class based (!1259) ~"refactor" ~"education"
    - Refactor documents views to class-based (!1258) ~"refactor" ~"documents"
    - Refactor activemembers views to be class-based (!1256) ~"refactor" ~"activemembers"
  • v25.1 Release: v25.1
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v25.1
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix calendar list upcoming items  (!1309)
  • v25.2 Release: v25.2
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v25.2
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix start/end date parsing in events API (!1310)
  • v25.3 Release: v25.3
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v25.3
    ## Errors resolved
    - Use new PARTNER_NOTIFICATION_ADDRESS instead of old PARTNER_EMAIL  (!1315)
    - Fixes in calendar view and exam downloading (!1312)
  • v25.4 Release: v25.4
    ##  :ambulance: concrexit v25.4
    ## Errors resolved
    - Use the right class to extend SocietyDetailView (!1328)
    - Add test values for no_references post value (!1329)
  • v26 Release: v26
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v26
    ## Errors resolved
    - Fix thumbnailer collision (!1344) ~"security"
    - Don't generate invalid membership dates (!1343) 
    - Always quote nicknames. (!1342) ~"security"
    - Correct translations of 'wire payment' (!1339) 
    - Photos show rotated (!1337) ~"photos"
    - Push notifications don't show content only title twice (!1336) ~"events" ~"push notifications"
    - Adjust CSS for accordion elements (!1331) ~"style"
    - Block benefactors or non-members in the next lecture year from giving references (!1330) ~"registrations" ~"feature"
    - Fix society filter in member achievements (!1326) ~"activemembers"
    - Clarify costs warning (!1324) ~"events"
    - Fix pizza order permissions (!1321) ~"pizzas"
    - Closes #887, photo url notification is no longer relative (!1311) ~"photos" ~"push notifications"
    ## New functionality
    - Add explicit end date for members to board pages (!1325) ~"activemembers"
    - Wire transfer payments for events (!1323) ~"events"
    - Improve event categories (!1320) ~"events"
    ## Technical changes
    - Remove obsolete Topicus logo HTML from newsletter (!1322) ~"newsletter"
    - Remove shorthand and period from education Course model (!1319) ~"education"
    - Remove unused features from partners package (!1318) ~"partners"
    - Remove redis dependency (!1317) 
    - Add tests for close announcement (!1313) ~"testing"
    - Remove mark all present feature from events (!1284)
  • v26.1 Release: v26.1
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v26.1 hotfix
    ## Errors resolved
     - removed check for expiration date of vacancies (!1348)
     - Fix benefactor registrations not receiving email confirmation (!1346)
  • v27 Release: v27
    ##  :bookmark: concrexit v27
    ## Errors resolved
    - Edited some translations (!1377) 
    - Fix localized overview placeholder thumbnail (!1376) 
    - Localize committee picture placeholders (!1370) ~"activemembers"
    - Fix dataminimisation to no longer remove website (!1369) 
    - Add birthday as readonly field to edit profile page (!1368) 
    - Fixed data not being properly sent to the calendar (!1367) 
    - Resolve "Mailing lists api fails without boards" (!1366) 
    - Prevent thumbnailing crashes when original is missing (!1363) 
    - Change behaviour of starting year field in registrations (!1358) 
    - Allow empty values in event registrations API (!1353) ~"api"
    - Add example to student number field (!1351) 
    - Remove FontAwesome as .form-control font-family (!1349) 
    ## New functionality
    - Add search functionality to the events API (!1371) ~"api" ~"events"
    - Resolve "Add descriptions to mailing lists" (!1361) ~"mailinglists"
    - Add user-facing payments overview (!1350) ~"payments"
    ## Technical changes
    - Update dependency Pillow to ~6.2 (!1365) 
    - Revisit url schemes (!1362) ~"refactor"
    - Update dependency pylint to ~2.4 (!1359) 
    - Update dependency sentry-sdk to ~0.12.0 (!1357) 
    - Update dependency django-bootstrap4 to v1 (!1338) 
    - Update dependency firebase-admin to v3 (!1352)