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Commit ff14d685 authored by Bas Lijnse's avatar Bas Lijnse
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Completed a minimal viable version of the "Try iTasks application"

parent 29ca3293
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module TryiTasks
import iTasks
import iTasks, Text
from StdFunc import o
* This application let's you play with small iTask programs. It a sort of very minimal 'IDE'.
* You can choose example programs, modify them and build/run them
startCode :== "start :: Task String\nstart = updateInformation () [] \"Hello World\"\n"
//Code examples: Should be read from
examples :==
[("Hello World",join "\n"
["main :: Task String"
,"main = viewInformation () [] \"Hello World\""
,("Sum",join "\n"
["main :: Task Int"
,"main = enterInformation \"Enter a number\" [] >>= \\num1 ->"
," enterInformation \"Enter a second number\" [] >>= \\num2 ->"
," viewInformation \"The sum is: \" [] (num1 + num2)"
startCode :== snd (hd (examples)) //Code of the first example
//Paths to the required Clean and iTasks tools for building
cpmBin :== "/Users/bas/Clean/bin/cpm"
tryiTasks :: Task ()
tryiTasks =
......@@ -13,10 +31,17 @@ tryiTasks =
\scode ->
(loadExample scode -&&- modifyCode scode) @ snd
) >^* [OnAction (Action "Build and Run" []) (hasValue buildAndRun)]
@! ()
@! ()
loadExample :: (Shared String) -> Task ()
loadExample scode = viewInformation "Load example" [] "Here you will be able to select an example code fragment and load it to the shared state" @! ()
loadExample scode = (forever (
enterChoice "Load example" [ChooseWith (ChooseFromComboBox fst)] examples @ snd
>>* [OnAction (Action "Load" []) (hasValue (\example -> set example scode))]
) @! ()) <<@ ForceLayout
loadExample scode = viewInformation "Load example" [] "Here should be the selection of examples but it messes up the buttons somehow :(" @! ()
modifyCode :: (Shared String) -> Task String
modifyCode scode = updateSharedInformation "Edit code" [UpdateWith toView fromView] scode
......@@ -31,13 +56,40 @@ buildAndRun fragment = withTemporaryDirectory
>>| createCleanProject buildDir
>>| buildCleanProject buildDir
>>| runExecutable buildDir
>>| return ()
>>* [OnAction ActionClose (always (return ()))]
createCleanModule fragment buildDir = viewInformation "Create module" [] "Here a clean module will be created from the fragment"
createCleanProject buildDir = viewInformation "Create project" [] "Here a Clean project will be created to build the module"
buildCleanProject buildDir = viewInformation "Build project" [] "Here the Clean project will be build to create the executable"
runExecutable buildDir = viewInformation "Run executable" [] "Here the generated executable will be run to test"
//Create a clean module from the fragment
createCleanModule fragment buildDir = exportTextFile (buildDir </> "test.icl") content
content = join "\n"
["module test"
,"import iTasks"
,"Start w = startEngine main w"
//Create a Clean project build the module"
createCleanProject buildDir
= callProcess "Create project" [] cpmBin ["project","test","create"] (Just buildDir)
>>| setProjectOptions buildDir //Should be possible to do with command line options in cpm
setProjectOptions buildDir
= importTextFile projectFile
>>- \content -> exportTextFile projectFile (setOptions content)
projectFile = buildDir </> "test.prj"
setOptions s = ( replaceSubString "Target:\tStdEnv" "Target:\tiTasks"
o replaceSubString "HeapSize:\t2097152" "HeapSize:\t20971520") s
//Build the Clean project will be build to create the executable
buildCleanProject buildDir
= callProcess "Building project" [] cpmBin ["test.prj"] (Just buildDir)
//"Here the generated executable will be run to test"
runExecutable buildDir
= callProcess "Your code is running" [ViewWith toView] (buildDir </> "test.exe") ["-port","8088"] (Just buildDir)
toView _ = ATag [HrefAttr "http://localhost:8088/",TargetAttr "_blank"] [Text "View the code at: http://localhost:8088"]
Start w = startEngine tryiTasks w
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