* Copyright (c) 2012 Bart Visscher <>
* Copyright (c) 2014 Thomas Müller <>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
namespace OCA\Mail;
Thomas Müller
use Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox;
use Horde_Imap_Client_Socket;
use Horde_Imap_Client;
* @var MailAccount
private $account;
* @var Mailbox[]
private $mailboxes;
Thomas Müller
* @var Horde_Imap_Client_Socket
private $client;
* @param MailAccount $account
function __construct(MailAccount $account) {
$this->account = $account;
$this->mailboxes = null;
* @return int
* @return string
* @return string
Thomas Müller
* @return Horde_Imap_Client_Socket
Thomas Müller
if (is_null($this->client)) {
$host = $this->account->getInboundHost();
$user = $this->account->getInboundUser();
$password = $this->account->getInboundPassword();
$port = $this->account->getInboundPort();
$ssl_mode = $this->account->getInboundSslMode();
$this->client = new \Horde_Imap_Client_Socket(
'username' => $user,
'password' => $password,
'hostspec' => $host,
'port' => $port,
'secure' => $ssl_mode,
'timeout' => 20,
return $this->client;
* Lists mailboxes (folders) for this account.
* Lists mailboxes and also queries the server for their 'special use',
* eg. inbox, sent, trash, etc
* @param string $pattern Pattern to match mailboxes against. All by default.
protected function listMailboxes($pattern='*') {
// open the imap connection
$conn = $this->getImapConnection();
// if successful -> get all folders of that account
$mboxes = $conn->listMailboxes($pattern, Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL, array(
'attributes' => true,
'special_use' => true,
'sort' => true
$mailboxes = array();
foreach ($mboxes as $mailbox) {
Thomas Müller
$mailboxes[] = new Mailbox($conn, $mailbox['mailbox'], $mailbox['attributes'], $mailbox['delimiter']);
Thomas Müller
* @param string $folderId
public function getMailbox($folderId) {
Thomas Müller
$mailbox = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox($folderId, true);
return new Mailbox($conn, $mailbox, array());
* Get a list of all mailboxes in this account
* @return Mailbox[]
protected function getMailboxes() {
if ($this->mailboxes === null) {
$this->mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes();
return $this->mailboxes;
* @return array
public function getListArray() {
$folders = array();
foreach ($this->getMailboxes() as $mailbox) {
$folders[] = $mailbox->getListArray($this->getId());
return array(
'id' => $this->getId(),
'email' => $this->getEMailAddress(),
'folders' => array_values($folders),
'specialFolders' => $this->getSpecialFoldersIds()
public function createTransport() {
$host = $this->account->getOutboundHost();
$params = array(
'host' => $host,
'password' => $this->account->getOutboundPassword(),
'port' => $this->account->getOutboundPort(),
'username' => $this->account->getOutboundUser(),
'secure' => $this->account->getOutboundSslMode(),
'timeout' => 2
return new \Horde_Mail_Transport_Smtphorde($params);
* Lists special use folders for this account.
* The special uses returned are the "best" one for each special role,
* picked amongst the ones returned by the server, as well
* as the one guessed by our code.
* @return array In the form array(<special use>=><folder id>, ...)
Thomas Imbreckx
public function getSpecialFoldersIds($base64_encode=true) {
Thomas Imbreckx
$folderRoles = array('inbox', 'sent', 'drafts', 'trash', 'archive', 'junk', 'flagged', 'all');
$specialFoldersIds = array();
foreach ($folderRoles as $role) {
$folders = $this->getSpecialFolder($role, true);
$specialFoldersIds[$role] = (count($folders) === 0) ? null : $folders[0]->getFolderId();
Thomas Imbreckx
if ($specialFoldersIds[$role] !== null && $base64_encode === true) {
$specialFoldersIds[$role] = base64_encode($specialFoldersIds[$role]);
return $specialFoldersIds;
* Get the "sent mail" mailbox
* @return Mailbox The best candidate for the "sent mail" inbox
public function getSentFolder() {
//check for existense
$sentFolders = $this->getSpecialFolder('sent', true);
if (count($sentFolders) === 0) {
//sent folder does not exist - let's create one
$conn = $this->getImapConnection();
//TODO: also search for translated sent mailboxes
$conn->createMailbox('Sent', array(
'special_use' => array('sent'),
return $this->guessBestMailBox($this->listMailboxes('Sent'));
Thomas Imbreckx
Thomas Imbreckx
* @param int $messageId
public function deleteMessage($sourceFolderId, $messageId) {
// by default we will create a 'Trash' folder if no trash is found
$trashId = "Trash";
$createTrash = true;
$trashFolders = $this->getSpecialFolder('trash', true);
Thomas Imbreckx
if (count($trashFolders) !== 0) {
$trashId = $trashFolders[0]->getFolderId();
Thomas Imbreckx
$createTrash = false;
Thomas Müller
} else {
// no trash -> guess
$trashes = array_filter($this->getMailboxes(), function($box) {
* @var Mailbox $box
return (stripos($box->getDisplayName(), 'trash') !== FALSE);
if (!empty($trashes)) {
$trashId = array_values($trashes);
$trashId = $trashId[0]->getFolderId();
Thomas Müller
$createTrash = false;
Thomas Imbreckx
$hordeMessageIds = new \Horde_Imap_Client_Ids($messageId);
$hordeSourceMailBox = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox($sourceFolderId, true);
$hordeTrashMailBox = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox($trashId, true);
Thomas Imbreckx
Thomas Müller
$result = $this->getImapConnection()->copy($hordeSourceMailBox, $hordeTrashMailBox,
array('create' => $createTrash, 'move' => true, 'ids' => $hordeMessageIds));
Thomas Müller
\OC::$server->getLogger()->info("Message moved to trash: {result}", array('result' => $result));
Thomas Imbreckx
* Get 'best' mailbox guess
* For now the best candidate is the one with
* the most messages in it.
* @param array $folders
* @return Mailbox
protected function guessBestMailBox(array $folders) {
$maxMessages = -1;
$bestGuess = null;
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
/** @var Mailbox $folder */
if ($folder->getTotalMessages() > $maxMessages) {
$maxMessages = $folder->getTotalMessages();
$bestGuess = $folder;
return $bestGuess;
* Get mailbox(es) that have the given special use role
* With this method we can get a list of all mailboxes that have been
* determined to have a specific special use role. It can also return
* the best candidate for this role, for situations where we want
* one single folder.
* @param string $role Special role of the folder we want to get ('sent', 'inbox', etc.)
* @param bool $guessBest If set to true, return only the folder with the most messages in it
* @return Mailbox[] if $guessBest is false, or Mailbox if $guessBest is true. Empty array() if no match.
protected function getSpecialFolder($role, $guessBest=true) {
$specialFolders = array();
foreach ($this->getMailboxes() as $mailbox) {
if ($role === $mailbox->getSpecialRole()) {
$specialFolders[] = $mailbox;
if ($guessBest === true && count($specialFolders) > 0) {
return array($this->guessBestMailBox($specialFolders));
Thomas Imbreckx
* Localizes the name of the special use folders
* The display name of the best candidate folder for each special use
* is localized to the user's language
protected function localizeSpecialMailboxes() {
$l = new \OC_L10N('mail');
$map = array(
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'inbox' => $l->t('Inbox'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'sent' => $l->t('Sent'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'archive' => $l->t('Archive'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'trash' => $l->t('Trash'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'junk' => $l->t('Junk'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'all' => $l->t('All'),
// TRANSLATORS: translated mail box name
'flagged' => $l->t('Starred'),
Thomas Imbreckx
$specialIds = $this->getSpecialFoldersIds(false);
foreach ($mailboxes as $i => $mailbox) {
if (in_array($mailbox->getFolderId(), $specialIds) === true) {
if (isset($map[$mailbox->getSpecialRole()])) {
$translatedDisplayName = $map[$mailbox->getSpecialRole()];
* Sort mailboxes
* Sort the array of mailboxes with
* - special use folders coming first in this order: all, inbox, flagged, drafts, sent, archive, junk, trash
* - 'normal' folders coming after that, sorted alphabetically
protected function sortMailboxes() {
$mailboxes = $this->getMailboxes();
usort($mailboxes, function($a, $b) {
* @var Mailbox $a
* @var Mailbox $b
$roleA = $a->getSpecialRole();
$roleB = $b->getSpecialRole();
Thomas Imbreckx
$specialRolesOrder = array(
'all' => 0,
'inbox' => 1,
'flagged' => 2,
'drafts' => 3,
'sent' => 4,
'archive' => 5,
'junk' => 6,
'trash' => 7,
// if there is a flag unknown to us, we ignore it for sorting :
// the folder will be sorted by name like any other 'normal' folder
if (array_key_exists($roleA, $specialRolesOrder) === false) {
$roleA = null;
if (array_key_exists($roleB, $specialRolesOrder) === false) {
$roleB = null;
if ($roleA === null && $roleB !== null) {
return 1;
} elseif ($roleA !== null && $roleB === null){
return -1;
} elseif ($roleA !== null && $roleB !== null) {
if ($roleA === $roleB) {
return strcasecmp($a->getdisplayName(), $b->getDisplayName());
} else {
return $specialRolesOrder[$roleA] - $specialRolesOrder[$roleB];
Thomas Imbreckx
// we get here if $roleA === null && $roleB === null
return strcasecmp($a->getDisplayName(), $b->getDisplayName());
$this->mailboxes = $mailboxes;