"Indexing your messages. This can take a bit longer for larger mailboxes.":"Zure mezuak indexatzen. Honek denbora dezente har dezake postontzi handietan.",
"Important info":"Informazio garrantzitsua",
"Other":"Beste bat",
"Messages will automatically be marked as important based on which messages you interacted with or marked as important. In the beginning you might have to manually change the importance to teach the system, but it will improve over time.":"Mezuak automatikoki markatuko dira garrantzitsu bezala kontuan izanda zein mezurekin aritu zaren interakzioan edo zein markatu dituzun garratzitsu gisa. Hasieran garrantzia eskuz aldatu beharko duzu sistemari irakasteko, baina denborarekin hobetuko du.",
"Not found":"Ez da aurkitu",
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This message is encrypted with PGP. Install Mailvelope to decrypt it.":"\nMezu hau PGP bidez enkriptatu da. Instalatu Mailvelope desenkriptatzeko.",
"The images have been blocked to protect your privacy.":"Irudiak blokeatu dira zure pribatutasuna babesteko.",
"Show images from this sender":"Bidaltzaile honen irudiak ikusi",
"Message frame":"Mezuaren enkoadraketa",
"New message":"Mezu berria",
@@ -144,11 +147,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show all folders":"Erakutsi karpeta guztiak",
"Collapse folders":"Bildu karpetak",
"Mark all as read":"Markatu dena irakurrita bezala",
"Mark all messages of this mailbox as read":"Markatu postontzi honetako mezu guztiak irakurrita bezala",
"Add subfolder":"Gehitu azpi-karpeta bat",
"Clear cache":"Garbitu cachea",
"Clear locally cached data, in case there are issues with synchronization.":"Ezabatu lokalean katxeatutako datuak, sinkronizaziorik arazorik badagoen.",
"Delete folder":"Ezabatu karpeta",
"The folder and all messages in it will be deleted.":"\nKarpeta eta bertan dauden mezu guztiak ezabatuko dira.",
"Indexing your messages. This can take a bit longer for larger mailboxes.":"Zure mezuak indexatzen. Honek denbora dezente har dezake postontzi handietan.",
"Important info":"Informazio garrantzitsua",
"Other":"Beste bat",
"Messages will automatically be marked as important based on which messages you interacted with or marked as important. In the beginning you might have to manually change the importance to teach the system, but it will improve over time.":"Mezuak automatikoki markatuko dira garrantzitsu bezala kontuan izanda zein mezurekin aritu zaren interakzioan edo zein markatu dituzun garratzitsu gisa. Hasieran garrantzia eskuz aldatu beharko duzu sistemari irakasteko, baina denborarekin hobetuko du.",
"Not found":"Ez da aurkitu",
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@
"This message is encrypted with PGP. Install Mailvelope to decrypt it.":" \nMezu hau PGP bidez enkriptatu da. Instalatu Mailvelope desenkriptatzeko.",
"The images have been blocked to protect your privacy.":"Irudiak blokeatu dira zure pribatutasuna babesteko.",
"Show images from this sender":"Bidaltzaile honen irudiak ikusi",
"Message frame":"Mezuaren enkoadraketa",
"New message":"Mezu berria",
@@ -142,11 +145,13 @@
"Show all folders":"Erakutsi karpeta guztiak",
"Collapse folders":"Bildu karpetak",
"Mark all as read":"Markatu dena irakurrita bezala",
"Mark all messages of this mailbox as read":"Markatu postontzi honetako mezu guztiak irakurrita bezala",
"Add subfolder":"Gehitu azpi-karpeta bat",
"Clear cache":"Garbitu cachea",
"Clear locally cached data, in case there are issues with synchronization.":"Ezabatu lokalean katxeatutako datuak, sinkronizaziorik arazorik badagoen.",
"Delete folder":"Ezabatu karpeta",
"The folder and all messages in it will be deleted.":" \nKarpeta eta bertan dauden mezu guztiak ezabatuko dira.",