- Jun 26, 2015
Steffen Lindner authored
Thomas Müller authored
Fixing Logger implementation to implement ILogger + fix smtp auto conf in case of php mail() is used
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
- Jun 25, 2015
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Remove CSRF token
Lukas Reschke authored
We now rely on CSP instead of sandboxed iframes. Partially addresses #767
- Jun 24, 2015
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
Thomas Müller authored
Add more url tests
JC Brand authored
This regex takes a bit of a different approach. Instead of matching allowed characters, it instead checks that disallowed characters are not present. Here's the regex: /(ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\._]+(\:[0-9]+)?(\/[^!*';:@&=+$,?#\ \]]*)*(\?[^!*';:\=@&+$,?#\ \]]+=[^!*';:\=@&$?#\ \]]+(&[^!*';:\=@&+$,?#\ \]]+=[^!*';:\=@&+$?#\ \]]*)*)?(\#\!?[^!*';:@&$,?#\ \]]*)?/ Breaking it down (the URL spec is [here](http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/url-spec.txt) ): / (ht|f)tp(s?)\: The scheme (or protocol) with the colon that separates the scheme from the rest of the URL., Matches http: or ftp: or https: or ftps: \/\/ This matches the double slash which indicates the start of internet protocol parts. [a-zA-Z0-9\-\._]+ The Internet domain name or IP adresss (e.g. www.google.com, localhost, ) (\:[0-9]+)? The optional port number preceded by a colon (e.g. :8080) (\/)?([^!*';:@&=+$,?#\ \]]*) The path. (e.g. Addressing/URL/url-spec.txt ) ( \?[^!*';:\=@&+$,?%#\ \]]+=[^!*';:\=@&$?#\ \]]+ This matches the first URL paremeter (i.e. ?a=3). (&[^!*';:\=@&+$,?%#\ \]]+=[^!*';:\=@&$?#\ \]]+)* This matches subsequent URL parameters (i.e. &x=2&z=7) )? This says that the URL parameters are optional. (\#\!?[^!*';:@&$,?#\ \]]*)? This matches zero or one document fragments and shebangs (e.g. #section or #!shebang ) / The regex is very long and you might notice that there are certain clauses that are repeated, such as "[^!*';:\=@&$?#\ \]]+". I don't know much about using regexes in PHP, perhaps these clauses could be labeled or put in variables so that the regex could be made shorter? I'll leave that to someone else who knows better about how that could be done. Update regex after jenkins test failures. - Allow colon : in the path. - Disallow double quotes " Disallow round brackets in URL parameter values. Also disallow brackets for the first URL parameter value.
Steffen Lindner authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Prevent Firefox e10s to crash when registerProtocolHandler
- Jun 22, 2015
Christoph Wurst authored
Appropriately responds to programmatic input in message bodies.
Xéfir Destiny authored
- Jun 21, 2015
Aidan Amavi authored
expand cc correctly
Aidan Amavi authored
Added check to text area input on new message bodies. Added responses to programmatic input that resembles client input. Fixes #582
Robin McCorkell authored
Fix php errors accountscontroller etc
- Jun 20, 2015
Thomas Müller authored
some more accountscontroller tests
- Jun 19, 2015
Christoph Wurst authored
Lukas Reschke authored
remove deprecated params calls; add some unit tests
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Christoph Wurst authored
- Jun 18, 2015
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
set 'from' dropdown to current account, fix #297
Thomas Müller authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Unified Inbox
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored