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ownCloud Mail

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Dependency Status

An email app for ownCloud (minimum version 8). At the moment it is a basic IMAP client and in heavy development. (A possibility for the future would be to also have it be a dedicated email server. But that would always be optional, require additional dependencies and is out of scope for now.)

We’re working towards a 0.1 release at the moment. If you experience any issues or have enhancement suggestions, please report them in our issue tracker.

Why is this so awesome?

  • 🚀 Integration with other ownCloud apps! Currently Contacts & Files – more to come.
  • 👍 You can use multiple mail accounts! Personal and company account? No problem.
  • 🔒 Send & receive encrypted emails! Using the great Mailvelope browser extension.
  • 🙈 We’re not reinventing the wheel! Based on the great Horde libraries.

And in the works for version 0.2:


Active: Thomas Müller, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Christoph Wurst, Lukas Reschke, Thomas Imbreckx, Steffen Lindner, Robin McCorkell, Clement Wong, Colm O’Neill, Alexander Weidinger, Hendrik Leppelsack & Plato Leung

Past contributors: Jakob Sack, Bart Visscher, Sebastian Schmid

If you’d like to join, just go through the issue list and fix some. :) We’re also in #owncloud-mail on freenode IRC.

Developer setup info

Just clone this repo into your apps directory (ownCloud core installation needed). Additionally you need Composer to install dependencies – run this from inside the mail folder:

curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install

Resetting the app

Connect to your database and run the following commands (oc_ is the default table prefix):

DELETE FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'mail';
DROP TABLE oc_mail_accounts;

Go to ownCloud Mail in the browser and run this from the developer console to clear the cache:



Certain advanced or experimental features need to be specifically enabled in your config.php:

Debug mode

You can enable IMAP backend logging. A horde.log will appear in the same directory as your owncloud.log.

'app.mail.imaplog.enabled' => true

Server-side caching

Mailbox messages and accounts can be cached on the ownCloud server to reduce mail server load: This requires a valid memcache to be configured

'app.mail.server-side-cache.enabled' => true