This artefact contains the source code for the AAAI 2023 submission with the title:
This artefact contains an implementation of the formal abstraction methods proposed in the following papers:
- "Probabilities Are Not Enough: Formal Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Dynamical Models with Epistemic Uncertainty"
-[Thom Badings, Alessandro Abate, David Parker, Nils Jansen, Hasan Poonawala & Marielle Stoelinga (2022). Sampling-based Robust Control of Autonomous Systems with Non-Gaussian Noise. AAAI 2022](
- Thom Badings, Licio Romao, Alessandro Abate, David Parker, Hasan Poonawala, Marielle Stoelinga & Nils Jansen (2022). Robust Control for Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian Noise via Formal Abstractions (submitted).
This repository contains all code and instructions that are needed to replicate the results presented in the paper. Our simulations ran on a Linux machine with 32 3.7GHz cores and 64 GB of RAM.
@@ -91,15 +92,15 @@ To ensure that PRISM can be found by the script, **you need to modify the path t
# How to run for a single model?
A minimal example of running the program is as follows:
This runs the longitudinal drone dynamics benchmark (see the paper for details), with the default options.
This runs the 3D UAV benchmark from the paper, with `N=6400` (non-Gaussian) noise samples, and Monte Carlo simulations enabled.
All results are stored in the `output/` folder. When running `` for a new abstraction, a new folder is created that contains the application name and the current datetime, such as `Ab_drone_08-19-2022_07-46-44/`. For every iteration, a subfolder is created, inwhich all results specific to that single iteration are saved. This includes:
All results are stored in the `output/` folder. When running `` for a new abstraction, a new folder is created that contains the application name and the current datetime, such as `Ab_UAV_09-21-2022_17-31-20/`. For every iteration, a subfolder is created, inwhich all results specific to that single iteration are saved. This includes:
- The PRISM model files (namely a `.lab`, `.sta`, and `.tra` file).
- An Excel file that describes all results, such as the optimal policy, model size, run times, etc., of the current iteration.
@@ -115,8 +116,6 @@ The figures and tables in the experimental section of the paper can be reproduce
This shell script contains one variable that controls the number of iterations to perform for some experiments. To reduce the computation time, you may lower the number of iterations.
# What arguments can be passed?
@@ -125,16 +124,22 @@ Below, we list all arguments that can be passed to the command for running the p
| model | Yes | N/A | str | Name of the model to load (options are: `drone`, `building_temp`, or `anaesthesia_delivery`) |
| model | Yes | N/A | str | Name of the model to load |
| mdp_mode | No | interval | str | If `estimate`, a point estimate MDP abstraction is created; if `interval`, a robust interval MDP abstraction is created |
| abstraction_type | No | default | str | If `default`, no epistemic uncertainty is considered; if `epistemic`, epistemic uncertainty is considered next to stochastic noise |
| noise_samples | No | 20000 | int | Number of noise samples to use for computing transition probability intervals |
| confidence | No | 1e-8 | float | Confidence level on individual transitions |
| sample_clustering | No | 1e-2 | float | Distance at which to cluster (merge) similar noise samples |
| prism_java_memory | No | 1 | int | Max. memory usage by JAVA / PRISM |
| iterations | No | 1 | int | Number of repetitions of computing iMDP probability intervals |
| nongaussian_noise | No | False | Boolean (no value) | If argument `--nongaussian_noise` is passed, use non-Gaussian noise samples (used for UAV benchmark) |
| monte_carlo_iter | No | 0 | int | Number of Monte Carlo simulations to perform |
| partition_plot | No | False | Boolean (no value!) | If argument `--partition_plot` is passed, create partition plot |
| verbose | No | False | Boolean (no value!) | If argument `--verbose` is passed, more verbose output is provided by the script |
| plot | No | False | Boolean (no value) | If argument `--plot` is passed, plots are created in general |
| partition_plot | No | False | Boolean (no value) | If argument `--partition_plot` is passed, create partition plot |
| x_init | No | [] | List | Initial state for Monte Carlo simulations |
| verbose | No | False | Boolean (no value) | If argument `--verbose` is passed, more verbose output is provided by the script |
Moreover, the following arguments can specifically be passed for running one of the benchmarks from the paper.