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##  :bookmark: ThaliApp v2.4.0

## Errors resolved
- Fix settings styling and language detection on iOS (!196) 
- Change loadingscreen default background color (!195) 
- Fix props warning in MemberList (!193) 
- Fix issue where registration indicator overlaps with text in Welcome screen cards (!192) 
- Fix detectInvalidToken in case of empty response (!190) 
- Fix switch state change in settings (!188) 

## New functionality
- Add share button to events (!194) 
- Added button to redirect non-members to the registration page (!191) 
- Add yarn dev menu command for Android (!182) 
- Add Sentry React Native SDK (!181) 
- Added settings screen for push notification categories (!179) ~"push notifications"

## Technical changes
- Updated Android version code (!198) 
- Bump version to 2.4.0 (!197) 
- Migrate to react-native-firebase (!189) 
- Add adaptive icon and activate round icon in manifest (!187) ~"style"
- Refactor to React Navigation instead of own ReduxNavigator (!186) 
- Introduce session saga (!185) 
- Use CardSection in Profile (!184) ~"style"
- Replace card styling by reusable CardSection in Pizza screen (!183) 
- Update react native to 0.56 and directly update dependencies (!180) 
- Bump version (!178)