Made the start date a naive when being sent to the admin overview page.
requested to merge 516-als-admin-is-de-tijd-die-in-het-evenementenoverzicht-staat-hetzelfde-als-de-tijd-die-staat-ingesteld-bij-het-evenement into master
Closes #516 (closed)
Previous behaviour
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an event with a start time after now.
- Look at the event in /admin/events/event/ and compare the start time with the time in the details page or the normal detail event page.
- compare the registration start with the time on the details page.
- These are different.
New behaviour
Steps to validate that it works:
- Create an event with a start time after now.
- Look at the event in /admin/events/event/ and compare the start time with the time in the details page or the normal detail event page.
- compare the registration start with the time on the details page.
- These are now the same.
Edited by Luko van der Maas