Mar 22, 2018–May 23, 2018
🔖 Thalia Website v1.15
Errors resolved
Add missing <hr>
to account page (!764 (merged)) priority: low members -
Allow event cancellations when member has a fine (!792 (merged)) events -
Added for pizza price (!791 (merged)) pizzas -
Fix membership renewal page when user has no previous memberships (!785 (merged)) registrations -
Only show cohort when cohort is not None (!784 (merged)) members -
Fix link to minutes in meetingyear.html (!783 (merged)) documents -
Translate 'Notulen' in meetingyear.html (!782 (merged)) documents -
Resolve "Creating an event without specifying time crashes the request" (!770 (merged)) events -
Fix multiple issues with Pizza Events (!769 (merged)) pizzas -
Set max length for profile description (!768 (merged)) members -
Fix uploading gifs (!757 (merged)) members photos -
Fix event title overflows with indicator (!747 (merged)) events -
Fix typo on renewal page (!786 (merged)) registrations
New functionality
Resolve "Improve statistics" (!789 (merged)) statistics -
Add committee roles to overview page (!788 (merged)) activemembers -
Add phone and email links to events registrations overview (!777 (merged)) events -
Add sorting to events backend using jQuery tablesorter (!771 (merged), !776 (merged)) events -
Hide old boards as organiser for new events (!752 (merged)) events -
Add confirmation message to events registration cancellation (!751 (merged)) events -
Add cancel deadline to event details in admin (!750 (merged)) events -
Post-process Thabloid pages to stitch spreads together (!748 (merged)) request for comments -
Add separate private thumbnails view for API (!745 (merged)) photos
Technical changes
Disable pipconflictchecker and include a check if the requirements are up to date into CI. (!790 (merged)) -
Improve usability by adding explanation about existing accounts (!787 (merged)) registrations -
Build and test container in CI (!781 (merged)) -
Update Album detail title in API (!780 (merged)) photos -
Get mailinglist api secret from env variables (!778 (merged)) mailinglists -
Resolve "Increase the number of events on the homepage" (!756 (merged)) events -
Improve Thabloid image quality (!749 (merged)) thabloid -
Remove HTML escaping in the event description API. (!735 (merged)) events api