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Thalia Website v1.7.0

## Errors resolved
- Change memberlist text so that it doesnt mentions email or phone numbers (!428)
- Fix error for events without organiser (!431)
- Make sure boards are always active so that they can create events etc (!430)
- Fix setting all users not on waiting list or cancelled to present and paid (!429)
- Fix event ModelAdmin change permissions (!440)

## New functionality
- Randomly order vacancies (!427)
- Bound announcements on datetime instead of date (!438)
- Add permission that overrides event organiser restrictions (!441)
- Also include mailinglist aliasses in API output (!439)

## Technical changes
- Double checked README (!422)
- Use newer version of flake8 (!433)
- Fix path traversal (!432)
- Document thumbnail url usage (!435)
- Dockerfile: Move statics such as entrypoint up in the build (!437)
- Move to Django 1.11 (!442, !444)
- Make Event.organiser NOT NULL (!443)