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##  :bookmark: Thalia Website v1.9.0

## Errors resolved

- Creating a duplicate mailinglist alias now correctly gives an error (!467)
- Fix saving board missing 'until' or 'since' values (!468)

- Do not show fine warning when registration is in queue (!466)
- Fine no longer required for events without registration (!487)
- Fix event dates in plaintext newsletters (!493)
- Fix event cards showing HTML entities (!515)
- Fix sending 'spot available' mail to the second person in the waiting list (!510)
- 'Spot available' mail no longer sent when members on the waiting list cancel their registration (!510)

- Fix bug where link to your own profile would link to someone else's profile (!465)
- Fix bug where members event list API did not work (!524)

- Fix vacancy description showing HTML entities (!481)

## New functionality
- Increase administration text editor width/height (!473)
- Announcements may use HTML with links etc (!484)
- Add number of registrations to backend event details (!478)
- Add alias searching to mailinglists and show them in the admin overview (!485)
- Administratietrucjes: add IBAN export (!503)
- Administratietrucjes: Email non expiring notifications (!506)

- Going back to the calender from an event keeps the calendar on the same date (!448)
- Events now have a required category field (!479)
- Event registration is performed *before* fields are submitted (!477, !523)
- Hide fine in events frontend for unauthenticated users (!516)

- Improve searching for members (!517)

- Photo album titles are now multilingual (!474)
- No longer possible to upload duplicate photos to the album backend (!419, !482, !526)

## Technical changes
- Generate logos for partner fixtures (!480)
- Make sure 'fit' variable is an int for thumbnails (!475)
- Add pagination to the API (!492)
- Expose events through the API (!489, !499, !508, !509, !505)
- Expose members through the API (!490, !511)
- Add versioning to the API (!491)
- Remove thaliapp module (!498)