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##  :bookmark: concrexit v26

## Errors resolved
- Fix thumbnailer collision (!1344) ~"security"
- Don't generate invalid membership dates (!1343) 
- Always quote nicknames. (!1342) ~"security"
- Correct translations of 'wire payment' (!1339) 
- Photos show rotated (!1337) ~"photos"
- Push notifications don't show content only title twice (!1336) ~"events" ~"push notifications"
- Adjust CSS for accordion elements (!1331) ~"style"
- Block benefactors or non-members in the next lecture year from giving references (!1330) ~"registrations" ~"feature"
- Fix society filter in member achievements (!1326) ~"activemembers"
- Clarify costs warning (!1324) ~"events"
- Fix pizza order permissions (!1321) ~"pizzas"
- Closes #887, photo url notification is no longer relative (!1311) ~"photos" ~"push notifications"

## New functionality
- Add explicit end date for members to board pages (!1325) ~"activemembers"
- Wire transfer payments for events (!1323) ~"events"
- Improve event categories (!1320) ~"events"

## Technical changes
- Remove obsolete Topicus logo HTML from newsletter (!1322) ~"newsletter"
- Remove shorthand and period from education Course model (!1319) ~"education"
- Remove unused features from partners package (!1318) ~"partners"
- Remove redis dependency (!1317) 
- Add tests for close announcement (!1313) ~"testing"
- Remove mark all present feature from events (!1284)