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##  :bookmark: concrexit v30

## Errors resolved
- Added more colors for the statistics page graphs (!1457) ~"priority: medium"
- Make registration deadline, cancellation deadline, and number of registrations... (!1468) ~"events"
- Fixed KeyError: 'delete_selected' (!1455) ~"events"
- Replace Nextcloud menu item with G Suite Knowledge Base (!1472) 
- Add ordering to fix UnorderedObjectListWarning warnings (!1470) 
- Use timezone aware date (!1471) 

## New functionality
- Order the Pizza Events on the order date (!1431) ~"pizzas"
- Add display name to pizza order API (!1430) ~"pizzas" ~"api"

## Technical changes
- Black all code (!1453) 
- Remove old Pylint and flake8 references (!1476) 
- Move review CI jobs to separate sh files (!1477) 
- Setup review hosts in private subnet (!1464)
- Move settings to pyproject.toml (!1475)
- Move static coverage and docs sites to S3 (!1473) 
- Use Python 3.8 (!1474) 
- Increase payments coverage (!1460) ~"payments" ~"testing"

## Dependency updates
- Update dependency Django to v3.0.3 (!1479)  
- Update dependency freezegun to v0.3.14 (!1469) 
- Update dependency files (!1466) 
- Update dependency sentry-sdk to v0.14.1 (!1465) 
- Update dependency Faker to v4 (!1461) 
- Update django-localflavor and pin to specific versions in pyproject.toml (!1459) 
- Update django-compressor to v2.4.0 (!1458) 
- Update dependency sentry-sdk to ~0.14.0 (!1454) 
- Update dependency Pillow to v7 (!1452) 
- Update dependency django-sendfile2 to v0.5.1 (!1451) 
- Update dependency coverage to v5 (!1450)
- Update dependency sphinx to ~2.3 (!1445) 
- Update dependency djangorestframework to ~3.11 (!1444) 
- Update dependency django-bootstrap4 to ~1.1.0 (!1443) 

## Other
- Resolve "Improve privacy policy regarding server data" (!1449)