Thalia Website [](
New new Thalia website, now with extra Django.
If you use Docker, please look at [this part](#docker) of the README.
0. Get at least Python 3.6 and install poetry and the Pillow requirements as per below.
2. Make sure `poetry` uses your python 3 installation: `poetry env use python3`
3. Run `poetry install`
4. Run `poetry shell`
5. `cd website`
6. `./ migrate` to initialise the database
7. `./ createsuperuser` to create the first user (note that this user won't be a member!)
8. `./ createfixtures -a` to generate a bunch of test data
9. `./ runserver` to run a testing server
You can use [`pyenv`]( (on Unix systems) to test in different python
The linter can be run in the `poetry shell` or by running
poetry run python check
poetry run python templatecheck --project-only
poetry run python makemigrations --no-input --check --dry-run
poetry run python -mcoverage run --branch --source '.' test
coverage report
Install poetry per the [poetry documentation][poetry install]. Make sure you install at least version 1.x.x, choose the prerelease version if necessary.
[poetry install]:
apt-get install python3-dev gettext gcc build-essential libtiff5-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev
For other operating systems, see the [Pillow Documentation][pillow-install].
On macOS you will also need to install `libmagic`, using the brew package manager by running `brew install libmagic`.
Thabloid dependencies
To be able to generate JPGs from PDFs, we need ghostscript:
apt-get install ghostscript
Make sure to use British English.
To create translations for your app:
1. `cd` into the application's directory
2. `../ makemessages --locale nl --no-obsolete`
3. This creates or updates `locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po`
4. Start poedit by calling `poedit locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po`
5. `../ compilemessages` (should happen automatically when saving the file in poedit)
6. Commit both the `.po` and `.mo` file to the repository
First run with Docker:
1. `docker-compose up -d`
2. `docker-compose run web migrate`
3. `docker-compose run web createsuperuser`
Step 1. may take a while since `docker-compose` needs to retrieve all dependencies
and build the Docker images. Step 2. creates the necessary tables and step 3.
creates a superuser, as the command implies.
After step 3. you can access the Thalia website locally through http://localhost:8000/