Jun 20, 2018–Sep 12, 2018
🔖 Thalia Website v1.17
Errors resolved
Fix translation of 'successful' (!909 (merged)) registrations i18n -
Fix 'registration' verbose name (!918 (merged)) registrations i18n -
Fix email subject of renewal rejection mail (!911 (merged)) registrations i18n -
Use correct english names of studies (and translate "Access the Sentry backend") (!892 (merged)) i18n -
Fix some small bugs in translations (!861 (merged)) i18n -
Make sure docblocks match specs (!901 (merged)) documentation -
Change payment processing to use POST requests (!916 (merged)) security registrations -
Change registrations processing to using POST (!915 (merged)) registrations security -
Resolve "Fix names of categories of pushnotifications" (!860 (merged)) push notifications -
Fix sorting of registration dates in event admin (!854 (merged)) events -
Allow accessing documents from admin pages (!841 (merged)) documents
New functionality
Add direct link to payment from registrations model admins (!917 (merged)) registrations payments -
Add LectureYear filter to EventAdmin (!853 (merged)) events -
Resolve "Automatic generation of board email addresses" (!844 (merged)) mailinglists -
Scheduled notifications for events (!831 (merged), !847 (merged), !846 (merged)) push notifications
Technical changes
Change lunch break times in registrations emails (!914 (merged)) registrations -
Switch to Python 3.6 as runtime python (!908 (merged)) server -
Uncapitalize two translations for registrations (!904 (merged)) i18n registrations -
Replace 'sponsor' with 'partner' (!903 (merged)) push notifications members partners registrations -
Add documentation to membership emails (!900 (merged)) documentation members -
Only sphinx in production entrypoint (!894 (merged)) server -
Remove django-slack dependency (!889 (merged)) ~code -
Use pipenv instead of requirements.txt (!879 (merged), !910 (merged), !905 (merged), !876 (merged)) ~"code" -
No linenos in po (!859 (merged)) ~"code" -
Get CELERY_BROKER_URL from env vars as a whole (!852 (merged)) server -
Validate docker-compose.yml (!851 (merged)) ~"code" -
Docker compose update (!850 (merged)) ~"code" -
Check validity of email addresses in members emails (!913 (merged)) members -
Rename the notification category for partners (!912 (merged)) push notifications -
Update privacy policy (!897 (merged)) board
Things to do after release: update procedure.